
Please Remember to Complete Your Camper Forms!

With camp just around the corner, our office has been busy checking in forms and getting ready for the first round of campers to arrive on June 21st. Regardless of which session your child is attending at camp, please submit his required paperwork if you have not already done so.

Please make sure the following items are completed as soon as possible:

  • Cabin Preference Form: We need this information within the next few days in order to work on cabin placement before the season begins.
  • Health History Form: Parents, make sure to complete all sections of this form (including medications and vaccination records) so that we are able to accurately understand your camper’s health history and prepare for his arrival. If your child needs prescription medications, please place your order with CampMeds, Inc. at www.campmeds.com. The ordering deadline is 30 days prior to your son’s arrival at camp.
  • Physician’s Examination Form: We need paperwork showing that your son has received a physical exam within the past 12 months. You may download our physician’s examination form for your child’s doctor to complete or submit a copy of similar documentation from the doctor’s office. Please note that any immunization records provided by your doctor should also be entered in your son’s online health history form by you.
  • Medical Treatment Authorization Form: This form must be signed by a parent/guardian prior to camper arrivals. A copy of his health insurance card should also be attached.
  • Objectives & Personality Form: This information helps our counselors prepare to guide your son towards completing a happy and productive summer. You may also email a more detailed letter to his counselors at [email protected].

Last, but not least, when you have logged in to the camper forms system, make sure YOUR contact information is up-to-date and that you have listed two emergency contacts besides a parent/guardian. You may do so by clicking on “Update Addresses/Phone Numbers” under the Your Family section.



These should be firmly attached to every bag a camper brings with him, whether it is being checked in, carried on an airplane, or taken on the Chicago bus. This applies to everyone, regardless of airline or travel arrangements to camp. It is important that we, and airline personnel, are able to identify all baggage by the yellow Camp Nebagamon tags.


ALL Airlines: Please pre-pay baggage fees for your son’s return flight. This has changed from recent years and now includes Delta Airlines. (Please note that if for some reason the airline does not allow you to pre-pay, we will pay the fees on the return trip and charge your son’s spending money account.)

If you need to ship bags to camp, please notify Briggs ahead of time and send them at least one week prior to your son’s arrival at camp. Camp’s physical address (needed for any UPS/FedEx deliveries) is 11454 Camp Nebagamon Dr, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849. Please note that if you also want the luggage shipped home at the end of the camp season, it is simplest for our office (and our local UPS & FedEx drivers) if you can mail to Briggs’s attention at camp ([email protected]) completed FedEx/UPS tags or forms. (Please note that due to limited storage space at camp, and our arrangement with the MSP airport, we do urge you to check bags on the trip home if possible, especially on Delta Airlines.)


If you are booking your tickets through our travel agent, Travel One, any questions about airline tickets should be directed to Travel One at 800-245-1111. Please ask for Sonni Banks. Travel One issues electronic tickets for each camper, so do not worry about receiving a paper ticket for your child. If you are arranging travel independently, please submit the information via the online transportation form.

Briggs’s Nature Cam — June 2021

By Joe Briggs

We’ve been at camp for a few weeks now, and I’ve had the game camera set up across camp this spring! You can see some lovely shots of deer, foxes, and most impressively, a beaver that have made their way through camp. This year, I’ll keep the game camera running, and I’ll try not to catch too many campers out in the woods. Keep your eye open for an update at the end of the summer!

Please Remember To Return Camp Forms By May 15th!

With the 2021 camp season quickly approaching, we would like to issue a few reminders that will help to answer questions and make the transition into camp run as smoothly as possible.

  • All families should have received our email containing the instructions for completing your camper forms. All the forms need to be submitted by May 15. You can access your forms here. If your doctor cannot schedule the physical exam until after May 15, that is OK, but please complete the health history form ASAP. We read every form in its entirety, and the information helps us provide a fun and healthy summer for each camper. Please be diligent in filling them out.
  • If your son will be using any daily medication in pill form, please note the due dates for CampMeds, a prepackaged medication service. (May 21 for first session and eight-week campers, and June 19 for second session campers.) This information can be found with the rest of the online forms here.
  • Please make travel arrangements as early as possible. If you are using the Official Travel Agency of Camp Nebagamon, Travel One, contact them at 1-952-854-2551.

It’s 2021! Do We Know Where Our Staff Is?

You Betcha! While we have many of our key positions filled, there are still some positions open for the upcoming summer… We have a huge staff! If you have any friends that you think would like to experience this place we all love feel free to have them email me at [email protected]. I would love to talk to them!

Alex Gordon will be our Logger Village Director for his 11th season. Heading up our Lumberjack Village will be Noah Stein. Additionally, we have Larry Rivkin and Larry Held signed on as Village Directors this summer. Louis Levin will again be our Program Director. Henry Pulitzer and Jake Beren will be directing our sweet waterfront this summer. Meals at camp will be awesome again as Anne Rowe returns for her 16th summer! Also returning to our awesome food staff is Cody Keys, Alex Fuller, Asher Burvall and Seth Wallack. Linnea Moss will spend another summer as our town driver. Grant Rosskamm returns as the Director of CNOC. Josh Levitas will be our Sailing Specialist this summer. Amber Burvall returns for her tenth summer as our RN. Jaye Hensel returns to the office for another great summer and joining Jaye for their first year (on staff) at camp is Claire Guest and Josie Hanson Kaplan. Joe Briggs once again heads up our camp office.

Intermission: So, I remember from my time on staff that when this part of the Arrowhead arrived, I would go directly to reading the staff list and skip the intro paragraph. That is why I’m taking this moment to say the following: If you have not signed on yet this summer, This Is The Summer To Be On Staff! With camp not running last summer, the summer of 2021 is going to be a memorable one. Shoot me an email at [email protected] to get on this great squad. Now, if you are on this list already, please reach out to your friends that you think would be a great addition to the camp family. You all are our best resource for recruiting. We trust you and you know the place well. Share Camp Nebagamon! Alright, back to our staff for the summer…Thank You!

Our senior counselors are as follows: Josh Hanson Kaplan, Sebastian Klein Sam Branstad Phillips, Tommy Bellaire, Joey Rivkin, Eric Portillo, Ari Krupnick, Jesse Herzog, Tommy Branstad Phillips and Zac Pearson. Junior Counselors for the summer of 2021 are Ben Hanson Kaplan, Parker Johnson, Matthew Garchik, Orion Kornfeld, Oliver Held, Isaac Schiff Lewin, John Osburn, Sam Shapira, Matthew Hooper, Adam Lewis, Gabi Huberman-Shales, Billy Galpern, Brady Rivkin, Charlie Cohen, Gabe Sloan Garcia, Jack Goodman, Jack Gordon, Jesse Chan, Michael Bayer, Peter Kallos, Trevor Harriman, Tyler Gray, Jordan Carlin, Jesse Gell, Jason Shacter, Jonah Karafiol, and Nate Woldenberg. Trip staff is Jonah Domsky and Phoebe Stern. Amy Mack and Bill Hensel are returning as trip drivers and Allen Bennett will be our Quartermaster. Adam Fornear will be the Trip Director. Andy Mack and Joe Crain continue to caretake our beautiful 77 acres. Lastly, Stephanie Hanson and Adam Kaplan will be your Camp Directors. So, as you can see, we already have a fantastic staff lined up for the summer. There are also many others that I’m in the process of talking with and will be announced later on this spring!


Look at all the Campers for 2021!

As the enrollments continue to come into our office, we want to keep you in the loop about who is signed up for the upcoming summer. Listed below are the boys who are currently enrolled…

2nd Grade Campers: Ari Barnett, Ethan Barnett, Darren Bell, Cole Moscoe, Jasper Teuscher

3rd Grade Campers: Ben Brotchner, Zach Brotchner, Levi Budin, Barrett Griggs, David Levick, Micah Reiner, Rafi Thacker, Jonah Tone

4th Grade Campers: Jude Alderman, Chase Barnett. Jacob Carlin, Josh Desenberg, Judah Gladstein, Lucas Goldman, Ben Green, Perrin Griggs, Max Hesser, Walker Karp, Digby Karsh, Elliott Kleiman, Paul Korman, Holden May, Kane Moscoe, August Pereira, Bradley Rittenberg, Lazer Rosenbloom, Isaac Sands, Grant Singerman, Jake Wallenstein, Solzy Wasserman, Max Yarbrough

5th Grade Campers: Zander Aronoff, Zach Bell, Chris Chiles, Alon Cohen, Jake Finkelstein, Gabe Fisher, Evan Friedman, Ryan Glickman, Will Grant, Wilson Heeringa, Adam Kaufman, Ellison Kelly, Kingston Kelly, Nathan Massel, Eli More, Hudson Rufi, Eli Sands, Sagiv Siegel, Jacob Solomon, Kavi Vishnubhakat, Zach Weiskopf, Felix Yessian

6th Grade Campers: Jack Agran, Eliott Bigelow, Ace Burvall, Sam Cohen, Nathan Eiserman, Reeve Gabele, Tate Gell, Milo Gilman, Will Gray, Miles Hall, Charlie Heist, Ari Held, Ben Hesser, Eli Hoffman, Logan Hoffman, Aidan Huberman, Namon Jones, Gibson Kapp, Eli Karp, Gus Karsh, Chase Kornblet, Max Levy, Lev Lippitz, Avi Maidenberg, Coulson McConnell, Ryder Meisel, Cooper Milan, Linus Quinn-Pasin, Matan Radwin, Mason Robbins, Danny Schottenstein, Seth Starhill, Judah Thacker, Tanner Toback, HJ Walberg, Dax Winegarden, Mayhem Zelvy

7th Grade Campers: Austin Abeles, Hunter Che, Asher Corndorf, Ryan Crean, Austin Evans, Evan Friedman, Levi Gladstein, Charlie Goshko, Jackson Green, Alex Gudgeon, Nicholas Kallos, Milo Karsh, Nathaniel Kehrberg, Sy Kessler, Jonah Kleiman, Ben Laytin, Cam Louie, Ryan Mack, Drew Malk, Liam Mann, Nik Nijhawan, Mason Pedroza, Noah Penson, Myles Rontal, Sebastian Rorsted, Micah Rosenbloom, Syd Rosenbloom, Jonathan Schiff-Lewin, Dylan Scissors, Logan Segal, Benji Solomon, Ian Soutiere, Asher Toback, Raymond Tolentino Santana, Levi Whalen Stewart, Jorn White, Eli Winkler, Charlie Zeeck

8th Grade Campers: Atlas Barnes, Judah Callen, Dillon Che, Solomon Cravitz, Luis Gonzalez-Xochihua, Matthew Gordon, Isaac Kilimnik, Luca Ladner, Sam Montag, Auden Osburn, Rafa Posen, Ori Radwin, Zach Riven, Jacob Rolfe, Wes Schwartz, Kobi Silver, Milo Solomon, Micah Stone, Leo Susser, Eli Terman, Ben Wolf

9th Grade Campers: Ethan Blatt, Jasper Braunschweiger, Addison Burvall, Landon Denker, Luke Galik, Mark Gingiss, Gabriel Heller, Chase Herbert, Jack Krupnick, Jacob Lutsky, Hudson McConnell, Sam More, Ethan Pearson, Milo Peterson, Ben Polonsky, Bash Ramirez, Jonah Rontal, Owen Rosenthal, Griffin Scissors, Matan Siegel, Josh Wells, Eli Zelvy

10th Grade Campers: Sebastian Alderman. Aidan Capes, Charlie Duncan, Adam Eberhard, Nick Fleisher, Asher Friedman, Emmitt Gerstein, Ben Hackney, Seth Lambert, Jacob Laytin, Josh Marcus, Rolando Martinez, Nelson Mendels, Asher Mendelson, Jake Paderewski, Drew Smith, Nathan Starhill, Ollie Tannahill, Jack Tierney

New Year, New Quiz!

By Louis Levin

Over camp’s history we’ve added all sorts of new things to camp — in honor of the new year, do you think you can identify the year when each new thing was first brought to camp? Test your knowledge below!

2020 Fall Photo Contest Gallery!

Compiled by Joe Briggs

We would like to thank everybody that sent in photos from your hometowns! With more than 30 entries it was exceedingly difficult to just pick a few to feature here. You can click on each photo for higher resolution files. Special shout out to camper Micah Stone and staff applicant Jesse Chan. We look forward to running more photo contests in the future!

Joe Briggs’s Nature Photo Contest!

By Joe Briggs

With distance learning and working from home, there is no better time to get outside. We want to see the world around you!

Please send us original (up to 3) photos for publishing in the December Arrowhead. Our favorite pictures will even win a prize!

Email submissions to Joe Briggs at [email protected] by November 15th.

Hey… that gnome kind of looks like Briggs!!

Fall 2020 Nature Photo Contest

By Joe Briggs

You may have seen my features in this summer’s Arrowhead newsletters, showing off the wildlife and nature we have here at camp! With Adam Kaplan on the road for the next 6 weeks meeting with prospective new campers in parks, backyards, and patios; we thought it would be appropriate to give you a chance to show off where you live. From the coast of California to the trees of Central Park, we want to capture the word around you and share it with the camp family.

Please send us original (up to 3) photos for publishing in the December Arrowhead. Our favorite pictures will even win a prize!

Email submissions to Joe Briggs at [email protected] by November 15th.