
We’re Headed Your Way!

As Adam talked about in his article this month, the Camp Nebagamon Roadshow will look a little different this year! Below is a schedule of cities we’re planning on visiting for in person, socially distanced new camper presentations. Please note that these cities and dates are tentative, and may change based on where we have new campers to recruit. Out of caution, we will not be doing our normal camp reunions at this time, but we still need your help! Do you know a boy who’s ready for a summer at Nebagamon? Fill out this form, email us here, or give us a call at 208-345-5544 to set up a visit! We look forward to seeing you, outside and at a safe distance, soon!

Oct. 3 — Denver, CO

Oct. 4-5 — Kansas City, MO

Oct. 6-7 –St. Louis, MO

Oct. 8-10 — Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Oct. 11-15 — Chicago, IL

Oct. 16-17 — Detroit, MI

Oct. 18-20 — Katonah, NY

Adam is planning on trading out his RV for horseback out west

Oct. 21-23 — New York City, NY

Oct. 24-26 — Washington, DC

Oct. 27-29 — Atlanta, GA

Oct. 30 — Nashville, TN

Oct. 31-Nov. 1 — Memphis, TN

Nov. 2-3 — Houston, TX

Nov. 4 — Dallas, TX

Nov. 7-9 — Los Angeles, CA

Nov. 10- 13 — San Francisco, CA

Can You Name All The Languages?

By Louis Levin

There are 34 languages on our “This Shall Be A Place Of Welcome For All” sign (ok, 33 and one silly one!). This sign stands in front of the Big House, welcoming all who come to camp, and is translated into the native language of every camper and staff member who has spent a summer at Camp Nebagamon.

Think you can name all 34? Try our quiz here!

Get a Piece of Camp for Your Home — Support CFN/CNSF!

We all have fond memories of the sign that greets each visitor to Camp Nebagamon with its iconic message of inclusion stating, “This Shall Be a Place of Welcome for All,” translated into 33 languages.

Camp has always welcomed people of all backgrounds. This creed began with camp’s founders Muggs and Janet Lorber, and inspired Nardie Stein to design and post the sign in the early 1970s. He and co-director Sally Lorber Stein and subsequent co-directors Roger and Judy Wallenstein, and Adam Kaplan and Steph Hanson have each continued this tradition — adding new panels in languages that reflect our ever-expanding camp family.

Welcome, kindness, decency and inclusivity are needed now more than ever during this quarantine summer. These remarkable times inspired us to create a tangible reminder of our Nebagamon values: a two inch by two foot replica of the welcome sign, which you can bring to your own home while supporting future summers of camping for children who need it most.

This replica can be yours for a suggested donation of $100 or more via this link at CNCharities.org. The preorder window closes on Monday, September 7th so be sure to place your order today!

Rec Hall Scavenger Hunt!

By Louis Levin

Our storied Rec Hall is overflowing with awards, plaques, and relics. Perhaps the most interesting part is the fireplace mantle, home to countless treasures. Think you know all the plaques sitting above the fireplace?

Try our quiz here!

Enrollment for the Summer of 2021 is Open!!!

As the most disappointing summer in Nebagamon’s history draws to a close, we are UNBELIEVABLY excited to get things moving towards the summer of 2021! We have learned from the successes, challenges, and even failures of camps around the country that were open this summer. By next year, we will have even more knowledge to ensure that we are able to provide a safe, fun and one-of-a-kind Camp Nebagamon summer. WE ARE FULL STEAM AHEAD FOR A GREAT SUMMER OF 2021!

Below you will find our dates and fees for the upcoming summer. Steph and I want to highlight a couple of items. If the COVID-19 situation requires it, we will adapt our session dates as needed. In addition, we may need to implement a surcharge for COVID-19 related expenses not normally incurred during a camp season, including but not limited to PPE, testing, additional cleaning supplies, vaccines, and additional staff. Any changes will be made in the spring once conditions have become more clear and will be communicated to you all as soon as possible.

We also want to mention that with the inclusion of the 2020 9th graders as an additional group at camp this coming summer, camper slots may fill up sooner than usualPlease note that those families who either rolled over money from their 2020 tuition to 2021 or made a donation to camp are guaranteed a spot for their son at camp in 2021. All other registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, so we suggest that you enroll sooner rather than later this year to ensure your son’s spot. Even if you are one of those who are guaranteed a spot for next summer, it would be very helpful if you enrolled early so that we know how many spots are still available for other campers.

Our dates for 2021:

1st Session: June 21 – July 17
2nd Session: July 19 – August 14
8 Week Session: June 21 – August 14

Tuition for 2021 breaks out like this:

Cash Price (check, money order, or wire transfer):
4 week tuition: $6,300
8 week tuition: $11,200

Credit Card Price:
4 week tuition: $6,500
8 week tuition: $11,550

Click here to enroll your son(s) online. (You will be prompted for the CampInTouch login information you used to complete your son’s camper forms this spring.) If you have questions about how to do this, contact Joe Briggs at 208-345-5544.

We wanted to take just a minute to explain a bit about how things will be slightly different next summer due to the inclusion of 10th graders as campers (the boys that were set to be 9th grade campers in 2020). Basically, we view what happened this summer as the postponement of the summer of 2020 until 2021. This means that our 10th grade campers should expect largely what a 9th grade camper would have normally experienced in past summers (with the addition of some staff training opportunities since they will NOT be required to take an off-year before applying to become junior counselors). This means that our 9th grade campers should expect a summer typical to an 8th grade camper in past summers (yes, this means ISLE ROYALE!!!). Likewise, our 8th grade campers will spend their summer in the Axeman Village and reap all of the benefits and tripping opportunities typical for Axemen which they missed this summer…..and down the line it goes for each grade. We want to ensure that no boy misses out on any of the unique opportunities afforded to campers at each grade level. Please feel free to contact us with any questions on any of this.

Finally, we understand what a difficult year this has been for everyone, most of all our children. We are just so excited to bring them all up to camp next summer to give them the summer that they missed and are yearning for…a Camp Nebagamon summer with great friends, learning, growth, and unabashed Northwoods fun!

Adam and Steph

Congratulations to our August Birthdays!

This month’s birthdays include…

August 1st – Justin Navidad, John Osburn

3rd – Ian Soutiere

4th – Matthew Puin

5th – Sonny Goodman

6th – Leo Friedman

7th – Oliver Brenner, Asher Burvall

8th – Logan Hoffman, Jack Krupnick

10th – Leo Susser

13th – Ace Burvall, Ari Krupnick, Brian Pascual

15th – Linnea Moss, Gabe Sloan-Garcia, Jake Wallenstein, Ben Wolf

birthday camping trip isle royale18th – Max Yarbrough

19th – Ben Hesser

20th – Nurali Kuanyshbek

21st – Sawyer Connell

22nd – Jashua Sanabria

23rd – Owen Rosenthal

24th – Sam Cardenal

25th – Adam Lewis

26th – Adam Eberhard, Kobi Silver

28th – Will Needlman, Linus Quinn-Pasin

29th – Elliott Bigelow, Eli Karp, Ezra Maidenberg

Briggs’s Nature Cam – August 2020

By Joe Briggs

Another month of quiet here at camp has allowed a small heard of deer move in. These seven white-tailed deer, including twin fawns have made the 77 acres we all love home.

Did you know?

  1. White-tailed deer are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk
  2. Females leave their fawns in a hiding spot for many hours while they graze
  3. Fawns, another name for the young white-tailed deer, have spots to help them camouflage

Congratulations to our July Birthdays!

Han Skal Leve! July birthdays include…

July 1st – Eli More

2nd – John Bellaire, Charlie Heist, Ryan Mack

4th – Zach Ruwitch

5th – Simon Mann, Elana Scharff

6th – Nick Fleisher, Syd Rosenbloom

7th – Dylan Fox, Emmitt Gerstein

9th – Keno Maiz

12th – Asher Sigman

13th – Alex Gordon, Hudson McConnell

15th – Matthew Garchik

16th – Danny Schottenstein

18th – Jo Vesprey

19th – Jack Agran, Charlie Duncan

22nd – Benji Solomon

23rd – Caleb Caraway, Aidan Huberman, Benjamin Mack

24th – Jack Raatz

31st – Emmet Felner

A Letter from Camp

Hello Camp Family,

Attached here is our next Arrowhead monthly newsletter. We feel strongly about delivering the Arrowhead that people have come to expect to ensure that our kids (and all of us) feel some normalcy and predictability in what has become a fairly unpredictable world.

Having said that, we wanted to give all of you an update as to plans for the upcoming summer at Nebagamon.

To be clear, we continue to plan for a summer as normal at camp. We are hiring staff, discussing programming, planning trainings, and our caretakers are physically getting the grounds ready for the summer. With that said, we have been engaging in unique planning around this summer as well. We are creating new cleaning and hygiene protocols, discussing potential new Rec Hall procedures, and generally how to keep our campus as contained and clean as possible. We have plans….and back up plans…and back up plans of our back up plans!!

As I have shared in previous correspondence with the camp family, we are staying in contact with experts within our camp family. We are following developments at the CDC who is working with the American Camp Association to develop specific guidance for summer camps. We are staying in close touch with our contacts at the state and county levels of government.

With all of that said, I wish that I could share some concrete plans for what this summer will look like today. I want to provide a timeline for how/when camp will open, but with the fluidity of almost everything, it’s just not prudent to give you an exact timeline yet. I believe that at some point in mid-May the state and national agencies will be providing guidance for camps. Once that happens, I will be in communication about our plans more specifically. If I have information to share with you earlier, I will of course do so. I know that the waiting and uncertainty is tough on everyone…parents, staff, camp directors(!), and most importantly…the boys.

Rest assured, that the boys and all of the other members of the camp community are paramount in our planning and decision making. This is our most important and solemn obligation.

Thanks for your patience. We will be in touch.

Stay safe and healthy, and Keep The Fires Burning