
ICYMI: A Letter From Adam and Steph

To The Camp Family:

One of the best decisions Stephanie and I have made in our lives was when we chose to buy Camp Nebagamon and serve as its stewards beginning in 2004. The opportunity to carry Nebagamon forward in its mission to help children be themselves and reach their potential, have fun, and make lifelong connections has been an incredibly rewarding life experience.

As the years have gone by, we have thought deeply on how best to ensure that this nearly 100-year-old institution continues to exist and thrive for the next hundred years…and beyond.

Nebagamon has been incredibly fortunate in its leadership with four sets of committed directors. (Three of which were as talented as any directors I have ever seen in this business…the jury is still out on the fourth!) Nonetheless, Stephanie and I have come to understand that the private ownership model of camps has always been a risky one. Although each set of Nebagamon’s directors have conscientiously protected Camp, and the institution remains on solid financial footing today, there is little doubt that if a private owner were in an untenable financial situation, their hand could be forced to sell the property, and the future of Camp, to the highest bidder. Stephanie and I personally lived this fear when the pandemic hit. Fortunately, we only missed one season and Camp survived 2020 just fine, but that experience only furthered our belief that we needed to create something more indissoluble for Camp Nebagamon’s future.

With this goal, we have contemplated, researched, and selected a new organizational model – the transfer of Nebagamon to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by a board of directors – a model we believe to be the best option to secure Camp in perpetuity. This model works; there are many similar camps around the country that employ the non-profit model and are thriving. In fact, the camp that I directed, prior to Nebagamon, operated under this very same model and has been incredibly successful.

Stephanie and I, together with an amazing, dedicated small group of passionate Nebagamon alumni, worked through how to make this a reality. Importantly, all former living directors – Nardie and Sally, and Roger and Judy – enthusiastically support this idea and agree that it is truly the best way to protect the place that we all know and love so much.

To be very clear, we expect the camper experience to remain the same in the new model. In fact, that is the point. Nebagamon will still do EXACTLY what it has been doing so well since 1929, honoring tradition while staying flexible, upholding Nebagamon values while always seeking improvement, doing it all while staying laser-focused on what is best for the children who walk through its gates.

We believe that transferring Nebagamon to a non-profit structure is the best way forward for many reasons:

  • The combination of skills required to be camp directors is relatively unique. (After all, you have to be able to operate a business, oversee a staff, take care of children while enriching their lives, sing AND plunge toilets!) Additionally, camp has become a very expensive business to purchase partially due to the significant appreciation of lakefront real estate in northern Wisconsin. Having to meet both of those bars makes the potential private owner/director pool exponentially tiny. This move will allow the Camp Nebagamon board to seek out and hire the best possible professional camp director(s), independent of their personal access to wealth.
  • This structure would make it much easier for Nebagamon to weather any crises that might arise. As we already mentioned, the pandemic is a case in point. Timing is everything, and had this sort of event happened when Stephanie and I were new directors, before we had built up a financial cushion and the relationships that buoyed us through that difficult year of closure, it is hard to say what the outcome would have been for Camp. A non-profit structure will remove, permanently, the possibility for any private owner to sell the property to developers, whether as a way to recoup a financial investment or address unforeseen challenges. Furthermore a non-profit structure would benefit from the ability to raise additional funds for a special need or emergency, so that, no matter the crisis, Nebagamon would be better equipped to withstand it.
  • Camp is currently profitable. While fiscal responsibility will continue to be vital as a non-profit organization, all excess revenue will be invested into Camp. In addition to operational revenue, the nonprofit organization could generate more funds to pursue large capital campaigns and have more resources to accomplish its goals.
  • We all know and love Nebagamon. We love the place and its traditions. Yet we are all aware of the fact that Camp has always needed to evolve in order to stay relevant, while still maintaining its core values and important traditions. As a non-profit, Camp will ultimately benefit from a committed board of directors with camp’s best interests at heart, and a broad variety of volunteer skills and expertise from “the real world” that will be a built-in resource. We know the board will bring added intelligence and perspective to future strategic deliberations and critical decisions.

Steph and I are not going anywhere, anytime soon. After serving as Camp’s stewards for the past 19 years, we are totally committed to the institution and doing whatever we can to “leave our campsite better than we found it.” Nebagamon is truly our life’s work; we intend to see this through completely. With this in mind, Stephanie and I have enthusiastically agreed to become the first directors of Camp Nebagamon under this new structure.

Within the past year, the alumni group I mentioned earlier has done the legal and organizational work to create the 501(c)(3), named the Camp Nebagamon Foundation, and has embarked on a quiet-phase fundraising drive to make this dream a reality. The support from Nebagamon’s alumni has already been, frankly, amazing. In the coming week, you can expect to hear from the Camp Nebagamon Foundation about opportunities for you to be a part of this milestone in Nebagamon’s history, as, together, we chart its course. (For more information, visit www.campnebagamonfoundation.org.)

We cannot adequately express how grateful we are for the Camp Family and we look forward to continuing as Camp’s stewards. We are more optimistic than ever about Camp’s future and the coming generations that will assuredly be able to share in the Nebagamon experience because of what we, all, accomplish here.

Keep the Fires Burning,

It’s 2022! Do We Know Where Our Staff Is?

Absolutely we do! We have an amazing foundation set of core staff that have signed on and are ready to make the summer of 2022 one for the record books! Back in late 2021, many staff contacted us to say they would like to return. This ensures that we will have veteran staff members in place to lead the charge in another great summer underneath the towering white pines. Many of our key positions have been filled, and cabin counselors and trip staff are coming into the fold. If you want your name added to this list, give us a shout! Contact Adam Fornear at [email protected]!

We are excited to announce that Cassandra Owens will be our Swamper Village Director for her fifth year on staff. Alex Gordon will be our Logger Village Director for his 12th year. And heading up our Lumberjack Village for his 3rd year is Noah Stein. Returning to our awesome kitchen staff are Cody Keys, Alex Fuller, Alejandra Jimenez, Marco Diaz, Maria Alonso, Noe Alvarez, Ruben Angel, Cynthia Dominquez, Abraham Jaurez, Alexandra Madrid, Cynthia Garcia and Chrysthina Garcia. Allen Bennett switches up roles and will be our town driver this summer. Our Big House housekeeper is Ximena Cervantes. Louis Levin is our Program Director for his fourth year. Heading up the Waterfront this summer will be Jeremy Nordin-Berghuis and Isaac Murray Stark, and with them at the Waterfront, heading up the sailing program, will be Amelie Sadler from the UK. Troika Brodsky returns to his old stomping grounds as the Director of CNOC. Heather Kennedy returns for her fourth summer heading up our Arts and Crafts project and joining her there for her first summer is Nora Starhill. Our Promotional Photographer will be Li Kane. Theresa Nevins joins us for her first summer as our Waterskiing Specialist. Gus Peters will be a Climbing Wall Specialist. Out on the range, Stanton Strauss returns back to Nebagamon as our Range Sports Specialist. Josie Hanson Kaplan and Julie Gordon return for their second summer in our office, with Joe Briggs at the helm for his 8th summer!

Our senior counselors for 2022 are as follows: John Bellaire, Sam Branstad Phillips, Simon Topf, Joey Rivkin, Tommy Branstad Phillips, Jesse Herzog, Gavin Stern, Max Rontal, Zach Herman, Marc Rosenthal, Joaquin Gutierrez. Second year Junior Counselors returning include Tyler Gray, Owen Wignall, Billy Galpern, Michael Bayer, Michael Bass, Jesse Chan, Jordan Carlin and Jack Goodman. First year junior counselors making the transition from camper to staff are Aidan Capes, Andrew Condrell, Anthony Guiterrez, Adam Eberhard, Nelson Mendels, Seth Lambert, Josh Marcus, Jacob Laytin, Owen McCaughtry, Emmitt Gerstein, Michael Cohen, Ben Hackney, Noah Starhill, Asher Mendelsohn, Nick Fleischer and Nick Friedman. Trip staff this summer are Phoebe Stern, Isaac Schiff Lewin, Salma Schwartzman, Orion Kornfeld, Zoe Peterson, Charlie Cohen, Claire Barlass. Ron Gaare and Bill Hensel are returning as trip drivers and Jon Star will be our Quartermaster. Lastly, Adam Fornear will be the Trip Director. So, as you can see, we already have a wickedly sweet staff lined up for the summer. The stoke is high for the crew above, and we’re continuing to add amazing staff members as we speak.

Of course, we are still hiring for this summer and the list above is constantly updating! We are specifically still looking to hire for the following positions: Senior counselors, nursing assistants, wilderness trip leaders, a nature lore instructor, and climbing wall instructors. If you or someone you know are looking to work at camp this summer, make sure they get in touch with Adam Fornear at [email protected]!

Mailgabber — It’s a Telegram!

The Mailgabber features writing by members of the Camp Family. Interested in submitting for Mailgabber? Send submissions to Louis.

We get a lot of mail in the camp office, and this week were delighted to receive a telegram from longtime friend of camp, Chief A. K. Agikamik.

For those of you who don’t know him, Chief A. K. Agikamik is the chief of the Yo Yo Islands, and happened to go to college with camp’s founder, Muggs Lorber, at Indiana University where they became close friends. He still comes to visit camp every summer with his bodyguards, Ugg and Mugg, and sends telegrams to the Camp Family prior to his arrival. Please forgive the Chief — in his old age, he tends to mix up who camp’s directors are, and has a habit of writing to Roger, Judy, Sally, Nardie, and sometimes even Muggs himself!

We thought you’d all enjoy reading his telegram, so we’ve copied it below!


Congratulations to our January Birthdays!

This month’s camp family birthdays include…

January 1st – Amit Cohen, Maxine Schwartz, Rosie Schwartz

2nd – Judah Callen, Liam Mehrenfar

Enjoy a sweet treat for your birthday!

4th – Will Grant

6th – Claire Guest, Bryan Lopez, Ollie Tannahill

7th – Anthony Buss, Molile Steffens

8th – Justin Blumberg

9th – Alexander Averbuch

10th – Aaron Brill

11th – Namon Jones, Nathan Susser

13th – Sadie Cohen

14th – Sebastian Alderman, Sam Cohen, Gush Karsh, Amy Mack

16th – Gabe Heller

17th – Seth Lambert

18th – Jeremy Berkowitz

19th – Micah Rosenbloom, Oliver Swack

20th – Sam Apple, Max Kotin

21st – Daisy Mack

22nd – Nelson Mendels, Asher Mendelson

26th – Jacob Carlin, Landen Hudson

27th – Tato Duarte Galvan, Andrew Guest

28th – Jaime Hensel

29th – Noah Penson

More Enrollments Arrive

Summer 2022 registrations continue to pop up in our inbox! If you haven’t registered yet for this summer, we encourage you to do so soon! We are also excited to welcome new campers to Nebagamon for a fun-filled summer.  Listed below are all campers who are currently enrolled.

2nd Grade Campers: Rex Frank, Bernie Goldstein, AJ Kramer, Philip Slosburg, Elliott Yarbrough

3rd Grade Campers: Ari Barnett, Ethan Barnett, Darren Bell, Troxler Brodsky, Emmett Brown, Amit Cohen, Ari Foxman, Will Goldfarb, Max Kotin, Cole Moscoe, Walt Schiffer, Sam Schwartz, Jasper Teuscher, Benjamin Varon

4th Grade Campers: David Apple, Ben Brotchner, Zach Brotchner, Gabriel Brown, Levi Budin, Jack Chait, David Levick, Alex Lyons, Ethan Mack, Micah Reiner, Max Shapiro, Rafi Thacker, Jonah Tone

5th Grade Campers: Jude Alderman, Chase Barnett, Max Brine, Jacob Carlin, Josh Desenberg, Charlie Gilligan, Judah Gladstein, Lucas Goldman, Jake Goldstein, Ben Green, Max Hesser, Walker Karp, Digby Karsh, Elliott Kleiman, Paul Korman, Henry Kramer, Rob Masters, Kane Moscoe, August Pereira, Bradley Rittenberg, Lazer Rosenbloom, Justin Rospenda, Isaac Sands, Owen Showalter, Jake Wallenstein, Solzy Wasserman, Max Yarbrough, Peter Zeitz

6th Grade Campers: Zander Aronoff, Holden Bell, Zach Bell, Chris Chiles, Alon Cohen, Rollie Cohen, Jake Finkelstein, Gabe Fisher, Evan Friedman, Saul Friedman, Milo Gilman, Ryan Glickman, , Max Goldfarb, Silas Gold-Kessler, Hadley Goldsmith, Henry Harris, Wilson Heeringa, Landen Hudson, Oren Korczak, Nathan Massel, Eli More, Hudson Rufi, Eli Sands, Brett Sholiton, Jacob Solomon, Dylan Varon, Felix Yessian

7th Grade Campers: Jack Agran, Ben Bernstein, Aaron Brine, Sam Cohen, Nathan Eiserman, Reeve Gabele, Tate Gell, Miles Hall, Charlie Heist, Ari Held, Ben Hesser, Eli Hoffman, Logan Hoffman, Aidan Huberman, Namon Jones, Gibson Kapp, Eli Karp, Gus Karsh, Jonas Kimantas, Chase Kornblet, Lev Lippitz, Benjamin Mack, Avi Maidenberg, Coulson McConnell, Ryder Meisel, Cooper Milan, Oliver Pincus, Bokai Portis, Linus Quinn-Pasin, Matan Radwin, Danny Schottenstein, Arjun Shah, Evan Smith, Hudson Soofer, Seth Starhill, Judah Thacker, Tanner Toback, HJ Walberg, Johnny Wallach, Dax Winegarden, Aaron Zelvy

8th Grade Campers: Austin Abeles, Hunter Che, Asher Corndorf, Austin Evans, Dash Farbrother, Evan Friedman, Levi Gladstein, Brody Goldsmith, Charlie Goshko, Jackson Green, Alex Gudgeon, Dylan Johnson, Nicholas Kallos, Milo Karsh, Nathaniel Kehrberg, Sy Kessler, Jonah Kleiman, Stafford Klein, Stanley Klein, Ben Laytin, Cam Louie, Ryan Mack, Drew Malk, Liam Mann, Nik Nijhawan, Mason Pedroza, Noah Penson, Myles Rontal, Micah Rosenbloom, Syd Rosenbloom, Jonathan Schiff-Lewin, Dylan Scissors, Logan Segal, Benji Solomon, Ian Soutiere, Asher Toback, Levi Whalen Stewart, Jorn White, Charlie Zeeck

9th Grade Campers: Sam Apple, Alex Atanassov, Atlas Barnes, Judah Callen, Dillon Che, Nico Cohen Humphreys, Oliver Gray, Isaac Kilimnik, Ezra Maidenberg, Colin McIntyre, Auden Osburn, Rafa Posen, Ori Radwin, Zach Riven, Ben Rodzynek, Jacob Rolfe, Manny Ruiz, Wes Schwartz, Milo Solomon, Micah Stone, Eli Terman, Murray Wieseneck

10th Grade Campers: Alexander Averbuch, Jasper Braunschweiger, Aaron Brill, Landon Denker, Willie Dupont, Chase Herbert, Jack Krupnick, Jacob Lutsky, Hudson McConnell, Sam More, Milo Peterson, Ben Polonsky, Jonah Rontal, Grif Scissors, Eli Zelvy


The Roadshow Continues!

Adam is out on the road in his trusty RV, crisscrossing the country, visiting with new campers! We’ve still got a lot of cities left to visit, so if you know a boy who should be a Nebagamon camper in 2022, reach out to set up a visit! You can call us at the camp office at 208-345-5544, or email Adam directly at [email protected]. Our tentative schedule is below — these dates are subject to change.

Atlanta Oct. 30 – Nov. 1
Nashville Nov. 2
St. Louis Nov. 3 – 4
Memphis Nov. 5- 6
Houston Nov. 7- 8
Dallas Nov. 9
Kansas City Nov. 10 – 11
Denver Nov. 12 – 13
Boise Nov. 15
Los Angeles TBA
San Francisco TBA
Seattle TBA
Eugene TBA

The Roadshow is On!

Adam is hitting the road this month visiting prospective campers across the country! In order to make these meetings comfortable for everyone, he will be doing all of his travel prior to the weather turning cold so that he can meet families outdoors if they prefer. If you or someone you may be interested in sending their son(s) to Camp Nebagamon, please let Adam know by email ([email protected]) or call him at 208-345-5544. Our current families are our best source of new campers!

The following schedule is tentative. If you do not see your hometown listed, please feel free to contact us so we can arrange a stop!

Minneapolis Oct. 13 – 14
Chicago Oct. 15 – 19
Detroit Oct. 20 – 21
Katonah, NY Oct. 22 – 24
New York, NY Oct. 25 – 26
Washington, DC Oct. 27 – 29
Atlanta Oct. 30 – Nov. 1
Nashville Nov. 2
St. Louis Nov. 3 – 4
Memphis Nov. 5- 6
Houston Nov. 7- 8
Dallas Nov. 9
Kansas City Nov. 10 – 11
Denver Nov. 12 – 13
Boise Nov. 15
Los Angeles TBA
San Francisco TBA
Seattle TBA
Eugene TBA

2022 Enrollment Off to a Great Start

Since mid-August, our inbox has been filling with registrations! Thanks to all our camper families for the great responses; we are thrilled to see all the campers who will be joining us for another magical summer.

Although it is only October, we can sense the excitement for next summer! If you are a camper wishing to return to Nebagamon next summer, please contact us soon to ensure a place for the 2022 season.

2nd Grade Campers: AJ Kramer, Elliott Yarbrough

3rd Grade Campers:  Ari Barnett, Ethan Barnett, Darren Bell, Emmett Brown, Will Goldfarb, Max Kotin, Cole Moscoe, Sam Schwartz, Jasper Teuscher, Benjamin Varon

4th Grade Campers: David Apple, Ben Brotchner, Zach Brotchner, Gabriel Brown, Levi Budin, David Levick, Ethan Mack, Micah Reiner, Max Shapiro, Rafi Thacker, Jonah Tone

5th Grade Campers: Jude Alderman, Max Brine, Jacob Carlin, Josh Desenberg, Judah Gladstein, Jake Goldstein, Ben Green, Max Hesser, Digby Karsh, Elliott Kleiman, Paul Korman, Henry Kramer, Kane Moscoe, August Pereira, Bradley Rittenberg, Owen Showalter, Jake Wallenstein, Solzy Wasserman, Max Yarbrough

6th Grade Campers: Zander Aronoff, Holden Bell, Zach Bell, Chris Chiles, Jake Finkelstein, Gabe Fisher, Evan Friedman, Milo Gilman, Ryan Glickman, Max Goldfarb, Silas Gold-Kessler, Hadley Goldsmith, Henry Harris, Wilson Heeringa, Oren Korczak, Nathan Massel, Eli More, Hudson Rufi, Brett Sholiton, Jacob Solomon, Dylan Varon, Felix Yessian

7th Grade Campers: Jack Agran, Ben Bernstein, Aaron Brine, Reeve Gabele, Tate Gell, Miles Hall, Charlie Heist, Ari Held, Ben Hesser, Eli Hoffman, Logan Hoffman, Aidan Huberman, Gibson Kapp, Gus Karsh, Jonas Kimantas, Chase Kornblet, Lev Lippitz, Benjamin Mack, Avi Maidenberg, Coulson McConnell, Cooper Milan, Oliver Pincus, Linus Quinn-Pasin, Matan Radwin, Danny Schottenstein, Arjun Shah, Evan Smith, Seth Starhill, Judah Thacker, Tanner Toback, HJ Walberg, Johnny Wallach, Dax Winegarden, Aaron Zelvy

8th Grade Campers: Austin Abeles, Hunter Che, Austin Evans, Dash Farbrother, Evan Friedman, Levi Gladstein, Brody Goldsmith, Charlie Goshko, Alex Gudgeon, Dylan Johnson, Nicholas Kallos, Milo Karsh, Nathaniel Kehrberg, Sy Kessler, Jonah Kleiman, Stafford Klein, Stanley Klein, Ben Laytin, Cam Louie, Ryan Mack, Drew Malk, Liam Mann, Nik Nijhawan, Mason Pedroza, Noah Penson,Myles Rontal, Micah Rosenbloom, Jonathan Schiff-Lewin, Logan Segal, Benji Solomon, Ian Soutiere, Asher Toback, Levi Whalen Stewart, Jorn White

9th Grade Campers: Sam Apple, Alex Atanassov, Atlas Barnes, Dillon Che, Oliver Gray, Ezra Maidenberg, Colin McIntyre, Auden Osburn, Rafa Posen, Ori Radwin, Zach Riven, Jacob Rolfe, Wes Schwartz, Milo Solomon, Micah Stone, Eli Terman, Murray Wieseneck

10th Grade Campers: Alexander Averbuch, Jasper Braunschweiger, Aaron Brill, Landon Denker, Willie Dupont, Mark Gingiss, Chase Herbert, Jack Krupnick, Jacob Lutsky, Hudson McConnell, Sam More, Milo Peterson, Ben Polonsky, Eli Zelvy