
We’re Hiring!

We’ve got a great lineup of staff for 2023, and we still have some available jobs for the upcoming camp season so you can add your name to that list! If you or someone you know is looking to change campers’ lives this summer, have them reach out to Louis at [email protected] or 847-987-9464 to learn more.

Job openings include…

  • Senior Cabin Counselors
  • Junior Cabin Counselors
  • Wilderness Trip Staff
  • Seasonal Caretaker
  • Office Assistant
  • Promotional Photographer
  • Nurse’s Assistant
  • Climbing Instructor
  • Waterskiing Boat Driver/Instructor
  • Film Photography Instructor

We’d love to send a 2023 camp T-Shirt to our alumni and camp family members who recruit a new staff member for the year of 2023, so let us know who you want to work at Nebagamon this year!

Do You Want a Nebagamon T-Shirt? Send Us a Staff Referral!

Each summer, we create a unique shirt for the campers and staff attending camp, and folks frequently ask how to get their hands on one. Well, there’s a new way to get one of our coveted camp shirts. If you, one of our amazing alumni or camp parents, sends us a referral for a new staff member in 2023 and we hire that staff member, we’ll send you this summer’s camp t-shirt! So, do you know anyone who should work at Camp Nebagamon this summer? Send a note to [email protected] so you can help them change campers’ lives this summer! We are still hiring for…

  • Senior Cabin Counselors
  • Junior Cabin Counselors
  • Wilderness Trip Counselor
  • Climbing Wall Specialists
  • Nature Lore Specialist
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Office Assistant

…and more!

Our 2022 shirt!

Just a Few Reunions Remain!

There are just a few final reunions this winter in California! See when we’re coming to your city below, and give us a call or check your email for an invitation with specific details — 715-374-2275!

February 5th San Francisco
February 12th Los Angeles

The Road Show Continues!

Our reunion tour across the country has been a hit so far! We are currently out on the road on the East Coast, and headed for Texas to round out the second leg of our road trip. See when we’re coming to your city below, and give us a call or check your email for an invitation with specific details — 715-374-2275!

December 2nd Katonah, NY
December 4th New York City
December 6th Washington D.C.
December 9th Dallas
December 11th Houston
January 22nd Chicago
TBA Los Angeles
TBA San Francisco
TBA Portland
TBA Seattle


We’re Hiring!

We have already started assembling the team for the summer of 2023, so if you or someone you know is interested in joining us for a summer outdoors, a summer where you’ll make some new best friends, and a summer of changing campers’ lives, contact [email protected], or give Louis a call at 847-987-9464 to learn more and start your journey with Camp Nebagamon!

We are hiring for nearly all positions, including cabin counselors, trip staff, nursing assistants, program specialists, kitchen staff, office staff, cook, and kitchen manager. Well, what are you waiting for? We can’t wait to hear from you!

The Road Show Kicks Off!

The 2022-2023 Road Show kicks off tonight! We are in the process of adding more dates, and are planning an East Coast trip to Boston, NYC, and DC for the beginning of December. Give us a call or check your email for an invitation with specific details — 715-374-2275!

Nov. 1 Detroit
Nov. 3 Cincinnati
Nov. 4 Nashville
Nov. 5 Atlanta
Nov. 8 Memphis
Nov. 10 St. Louis
Nov. 11 Kansas City
Nov. 14 Denver
Nov. 30 Boston
TBA New York City
TBA Washington D.C.
TBA Dallas
TBA Houston
TBA Chicago
TBA Los Angeles
TBA San Francisco
TBA Portland
TBA Seattle

Important Information Regarding Camper Luggage and Travel

Luggage Tags:

These should be firmly attached to every bag a camper brings with him, whether it is being checked in, carried on an airplane, or taken on the Chicago bus. This applies to everyone, regardless of airline or travel arrangements to camp. It is important that we, and airline personnel, are able to identify all baggage by the yellow Camp Nebagamon tags.

Duffle Bags/Luggage:

All Airlines: Please pre-pay baggage fees for your son’s return flight. (Please note that if for some reason the airline does not allow you to pre-pay, we will pay the fees on the return trip and charge your son’s spending money account.)

If you need to ship bags to camp, please notify Briggs ahead of time and send them at least one week prior to your son’s arrival at camp. Camp’s physical address (needed for any UPS/FedEx deliveries) is 11454 Camp Nebagamon Dr, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849. Please note that if you also want the luggage shipped home at the end of the camp season, it is simplest for our office (and our local UPS & FedEx drivers) if you can mail to Briggs’s attention at camp ([email protected]) completed FedEx/UPS tags or forms. (Please note that due to limited storage space at camp, and our arrangement with the MSP airport, we do urge you to check bags on the trip home if possible, especially on Delta Airlines.)

Campers traveling via airplane:

If you are booking your tickets through our travel agent, Travel One, any questions about airline tickets should be directed to Travel One at 800-245-1111. Travel One issues electronic tickets for each camper, so do not worry about receiving a paper ticket for your child. If you are arranging travel independently, please submit the information via the online transportation form.

Please Remember to Complete your Camper Forms!

With camp just around the corner, our office has been busy checking in forms and getting ready for the first round of campers to arrive on June 18th. Regardless of which session your child is attending at camp, please submit his required paperwork if you have not already done so.

Please make sure the following items are completed as soon as possible:

*Cabin Preference Form: We need this information within the next few days in order to work on cabin placement before the season begins.

*Health History Form: Parents, make sure to complete all sections of this form (including medications and vaccination records) so that we are able to accurately understand your camper’s health history and prepare for his arrival. If your child needs daily medications, please place your order with CampMeds, Inc. at www.campmeds.com. The ordering deadline is 30 days prior to your son’s arrival at camp.

*Physician’s Examination Form: We need paperwork showing that your son has received a physical exam within the past 12 months. You may download our physician’s examination form for your child’s doctor to complete or submit a copy of similar documentation from the doctor’s office. Please note that any immunization records provided by your doctor should also be entered in your son’s online health history form by you.

*Medical Treatment Authorization Form: This form MUST be signed by a parent/guardian prior to camper arrivals. A copy of his health insurance card should also be attached.

*Objectives & Personality Form: This information helps our counselors prepare to guide your son towards completing a happy and productive summer. You may also email a more detailed letter to his counselors at [email protected].

Last, but not least, when you have logged in to the camper forms system, make sure YOUR contact information is up-to-date and that you have listed two emergency contacts besides a parent/guardian. You may do so by clicking on “Update Addresses/Phone Numbers” under the Your Family section.

Click here to access your forms!

A Few Staff Positions Remain!

We continue to add staff from all over the world — just last week, we hired new counselors from Germany and Mexico. We’ve got a bunch of new trip leaders from Texas and some senior counselors that are returning to camp for their first summer on staff!

We’re very proud of the staff that have committed to the upcoming summer. With that said, we still have a few positions to fill.

That’s a lot of DQ, senior counselors!

Were currently looking for the following:

  • Nurse Assistants – A really great work experience for anyone going into any medical field
  • Kitchen Assistants – Great summer job and you get to do camp activities when you are not working
  • Wilderness Trip Leaders – Spend much of your summer in a tent!
  • Senior Counselors – DQ every Wednesday!
  • MOCA Specialist – Cook, eat and repeat…

We’d appreciate your help in putting the finishing touches on our staff, so please spread the word with your camp friends or anyone outside of the camp family! Applicants can reach out to Adam Fornear at [email protected]. I think we can all agree that working at Camp Nebagamon is an unforgettable experience that will be a part of you the rest of your life!