
Important Information Regarding Camper Luggage and Travel


These should be firmly attached to every bag a camper brings with him, whether it is being checked in, carried on an airplane, or taken on the Chicago bus. This applies to everyone, regardless of airline or travel arrangements to camp. It is important that we, and airline personnel, are able to identify all baggage by the yellow Camp Nebagamon tags.


ALL Airlines: Please pre-pay baggage fees for your son’s return flight. (Please note that if for some reason the airline does not allow you to pre-pay, we will pay the fees on the return trip and charge your son’s spending money account.)

If you need to ship bags to camp, please notify Briggs ahead of time and send them at least one week prior to your son’s arrival at camp. Camp’s physical address (needed for any UPS/FedEx deliveries) is 11454 Camp Nebagamon Dr, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849. Please note that if you also want the luggage shipped home at the end of the camp season, it is simplest for our office (and our local UPS & FedEx drivers) if you can mail to Briggs’s attention at camp ([email protected]) completed FedEx/UPS tags or forms. (Please note that due to limited storage space at camp, and our arrangement with the MSP airport, we do urge you to check bags on the trip home if possible, especially on Delta Airlines.)


If you are booking your tickets through our travel agent, Travel One, any questions about airline tickets should be directed to Travel One at 952-854-2551. Travel One issues electronic tickets for each camper, so do not worry about receiving a paper ticket for your child. If you are arranging travel independently, please submit the information via the online transportation form.

Please Remember To Complete Your Camper Forms!

With camp just around the corner, our office has been busy checking in forms and getting ready for the first round of campers to arrive on June 18th. Regardless of which session your child is attending at camp, please submit his required paperwork if you have not already done so.

Please make sure the following items are completed as soon as possible:

*Doctor’s Orders: A form signed by a doctor authorizing camp to administer daily over the counter supplements, vitamins, over the counter (OTC) medicines. These must be filled through CampMeds.

*Health History Form: Parents, make sure to complete all sections of this form (including medications and vaccination records) so that we are able to accurately understand your camper’s health history and prepare for his arrival. If your child needs daily medications, please place your order with CampMeds, Inc. at www.campmeds.com. The ordering deadline is 30 days prior to your son’s arrival at camp.

*Physician’s Examination Form: We need paperwork showing that your son has received a physical exam within the past 12 months. You may download our physician’s examination form for your child’s doctor to complete or submit a copy of similar documentation from the doctor’s office. Please note that any immunization records provided by your doctor should also be entered in your son’s online health history form by you.

*Medical Treatment Authorization Form: This form MUST be signed by a parent/guardian prior to camper arrivals. A copy of his health insurance card should also be attached.

*Objectives & Personality Form: This information helps our counselors prepare to guide your son towards completing a happy and productive summer. You may also email a more detailed letter to his counselors at [email protected].

Last, but not least, when you have logged in to the camper forms system, make sure YOUR contact information is up-to-date and that you have listed two emergency contacts besides a parent/guardian. You may do so by clicking on “Update Addresses/Phone Numbers” under the Your Family section.

2024 Camping Season is Almost Here!

With the 2024 camp season quickly approaching, we would like to issue a few reminders that will help to answer questions and make the transition into camp run as smoothly as possible.

Click here to access your camper forms

  • All families should have received our email containing the instructions for completing your camper forms. All the forms need to be submitted by May 15. If your doctor cannot schedule the physical exam until after May 15, that is OK, but please complete the health history form ASAP. We read every form in its entirety, and the information helps us provide a fun and healthy summer for each camper. Please be diligent in filling them out.
  • If your son will be using any daily medication in pill form, please note the due dates for CampMeds, a prepackaged medication service. (May 18 for first session and eight-week campers, and June 16 for second session campers.) This information can be found with the rest of the online forms at the link above.
  • Camp must have a copy of all prescriptions and doctor’s orders for all medications distributed at camp. The good news is that all prescription medicines fulfilled by CampMeds will arrive at camp with the prescription attached, so there is nothing additional for you to do. However, for all regularly scheduled medications (including over the counter medicines and melatonin), you must have your doctor complete and fax to camp the Doctor’s Orders Form (available in your CampInTouch account). Also, for prescription medications that CampMeds cannot fill (epi-pens, albuterol inhalers, etc.), the medication must be sent to camp with the prescription label attached.
  • Please make travel arrangements as early as possible. If you are using the Official Travel Agency of Camp Nebagamon, Travel One, contact them at 952-854-2551.

A Roadshow Update – Chicago!

As Adam announced in last month’s Arrowhead, our off-season reunion tour is currently in a holding pattern and will begin in January 2024. In the meantime, we are excited to announce that the Chicago reunion will take place at 2:30pm on January 21st, 2024, at the Heller Nature Center in Highland Park, IL. Of course, we are still planning on visiting all the cities we normally visit, and we can’t wait to see you soon!



We’re Hiring!

Camp Nebagamon is hiring! We are currently accepting applications for the Development and Alumni Relations Director — a new position to lead Camp Nebagamon’s fundraising and alumni-engagement efforts in conjunction with the Board and the Camp Directors. An integral member of the year-round staff, this position will increase engagement with and philanthropic commitment of the Camp Family. If you are interested, please check out the job description, and apply by October 20th.
The Board of Directors is working closely with Camp staff to continue the transition from a family-run business to a 501c3 nonprofit. Part of this process is also making sure we keep the Camp Family updated on our progress. We know how important Camp Nebagamon is to you and we’ll be in touch soon with ways you can help!

Important Information Regarding Camper Luggage and Travel


These should be firmly attached to every bag a camper brings with him, whether it is being checked in, carried on an airplane, or taken on the Chicago bus. This applies to everyone, regardless of airline or travel arrangements to camp. It is important that we, and airline personnel, are able to identify all baggage by the yellow Camp Nebagamon tags.


ALL Airlines: Please pre-pay baggage fees for your son’s return flight. (Please note that if for some reason the airline does not allow you to pre-pay, we will pay the fees on the return trip and charge your son’s spending money account.)

If you need to ship bags to camp, please notify Briggs ahead of time and send them at least one week prior to your son’s arrival at camp. Camp’s physical address (needed for any UPS/FedEx deliveries) is 11454 Camp Nebagamon Dr, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849. Please note that if you also want the luggage shipped home at the end of the camp season, it is simplest for our office (and our local UPS & FedEx drivers) if you can mail to Briggs’s attention at camp ([email protected]) completed FedEx/UPS tags or forms. (Please note that due to limited storage space at camp, and our arrangement with the MSP airport, we do urge you to check bags on the trip home if possible, especially on Delta Airlines.)


If you are booking your tickets through our travel agent, Travel One, any questions about airline tickets should be directed to Travel One at 800-245-1111. Travel One issues electronic tickets for each camper, so do not worry about receiving a paper ticket for your child. If you are arranging travel independently, please submit the information via the online transportation form.

Please Remember to Complete Your Camper Forms!

With camp just around the corner, our office has been busy checking in forms and getting ready for the first round of campers to arrive on June 18th. Regardless of which session your child is attending at camp, please submit his required paperwork if you have not already done so.

Please make sure the following items are completed as soon as possible:

    • Doctor’s Orders: A form signed by a doctor authorizing camp to administer daily over the counter supplements, vitamins, over the counter (OTC) medicines. These must be filled through CampMeds.
    • Health History Form: Parents, make sure to complete all sections of this form (including medications and vaccination records) so that we are able to accurately understand your camper’s health history and prepare for his arrival. If your child needs daily medications, please place your order with CampMeds, Inc. at www.campmeds.com. The ordering deadline is 30 days prior to your son’s arrival at camp.
    • Physician’s Examination Form: We need paperwork showing that your son has received a physical exam within the past 12 months. You may download our physician’s examination form for your child’s doctor to complete or submit a copy of similar documentation from the doctor’s office. Please note that any immunization records provided by your doctor should also be entered in your son’s online health history form by you.
    • Medical Treatment Authorization Form: This form MUST be signed by a parent/guardian prior to camper arrivals. A copy of his health insurance card should also be attached.
    • Objectives & Personality Form: This information helps our counselors prepare to guide your son towards completing a happy and productive summer. You may also email a more detailed letter to his counselors at [email protected].

Last, but not least, when you have logged in to the camper forms system, make sure YOUR contact information is up-to-date and that you have listed two emergency contacts besides a parent/guardian. You may do so by clicking on “Update Addresses/Phone Numbers” under the Your Family section.

2023 Camping Season is Near!

With the 2023 camp season quickly approaching, we would like to issue a few reminders that will help to answer questions and make the transition into camp run as smoothly as possible.

Click here to access your camper forms

  • All families should have received our email containing the instructions for completing your camper forms. All the forms need to be submitted by May 15. If your doctor cannot schedule the physical exam until after May 15, that is OK, but please complete the health history form ASAP. We read every form in its entirety, and the information helps us provide a fun and healthy summer for each camper. Please be diligent in filling them out.
  • If your son will be using any daily medication in pill form, please note the due dates for CampMeds, a prepackaged medication service. (May 19 for first session and eight-week campers, and June 17 for second session campers.) This information can be found with the rest of the online forms at the link above.
  • Camp must have a copy of all prescriptions and doctor’s orders for all medications distributed at camp. The good news is that all prescription medicines fulfilled by CampMeds will arrive at camp with the prescription attached, so there is nothing additional for you to do. However, for all regularly scheduled medications (including over the counter medicines and melatonin), you must have your doctor complete and fax to camp the Doctor’s Orders Form (available in your CampInTouch account). Also, for prescription medications that CampMeds cannot fill (epi-pens, albuterol inhalers, etc.), the medication must be sent to camp with the prescription label attached.
  • Please make travel arrangements as early as possible. If you are using the Official Travel Agency of Camp Nebagamon, Travel One, contact them at 952-854-2551.

Please call the camp office at 715-374-2275 if you have any questions!

Camper and Staff Forms Online!

This year’s camp forms are ready online. To access these forms you may login here.

A printed Parent Handbook, the official camp t-shirt and official yellow Nebagamon luggage tags will be in the mail this month to all camp families. If you have any questions in the meantime about getting ready for camp, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at [email protected] or give us a call at 715-374-2275.

We can’t wait to see you up at camp soon!