
Special Trip Opportunities for Summer 2019!

Climb Above Lake Superior!

Back by popular demand, Camp Nebagamon is offering a rock climbing trip on the North Shore of Lake Superior this summer!

We will be offering one trip during first session, June 29 – July 1.   Campers will set up a base camp at a Minnesota State Park and then climb during the day at multiple climbing locations.  We will have spots for eight campers who will be guided by one our Nebagamon trip staff and two instructors from the University of Minnesota-Duluth Climbing Center.  The trip is open to grades 7-9, although older campers will have first preference. The cost of the climbing trip will be $350.

campers swimming isle royale national parak

Sea Kayaking on Lake Superior!

Camp Nebagamon is offering an awesome sea kayaking trip on Lake Superior.  Sitting in a 17-foot sea kayak on the world’s largest freshwater lake is an experience that you’ll never forget.  On this trip you will paddle and camp on the Apostle Islands near Bayfield, WI for three days.  The first day of the trip will be spent training on Lake Nebagamon.

We will be offering one trip during first session, June 21 – June 24.  We will have spots for five campers who will be guided by one Nebagamon trip staff and one instructor from the University of Minnesota-Duluth Kayak & Canoe Center.  The trip is open to grades 7-9, although older campers will have first preference. The cost of the sea kayaking trip will be $425.

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If you have questions regarding either of these exciting trips, please contact Adam Fornear.  All 7th – 9thgrade parents will receive an email this week with further details on registration.  Fornear can be reached at [email protected], 208-318-3962 or 715-374-2275 (after May 12).

campers canoeing peace canoe

Camp Forms are Online!

This year’s camp forms are ready online. To access these forms you may login here.

A printed Parent Handbook, the official camp t-shirt, and official yellow Nebagamon luggage tags will be in the mail this month. If you have any questions in the meantime about getting ready for camp, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at [email protected] or give us a call at 208-345-5544.

Parent Preparation Packet Coming Your Way!

One certain sign of spring is the arrival of the packet of information to help you plan for the summer. This year all the paperwork for you camper will again be available in an online-only format. We will still be mailing the Parent Handbook and the official Nebagamon luggage tags, so please look for them in the mail. (If you want to go ahead and contact Travel One, Camp Nebagamon’s official travel agency, please call them at 800-245-1111.) This important mailing will leave camp’s winter office by the beginning of April. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us at 208-345-5544 or [email protected] with any questions you may have about getting ready for a wonderful 2019 season!

March 3rd Denver Alumni Reunion

After the success of our Houston alumni reunion, we’ll be partnering with former camper Elliot Schiffer to host a Denver Alumni Reunion on March 3rd from 3-5 PM at his restaurant, Mici Handcrafted Italian, at 727 Colorado Blvd. There will be light fare and refreshments, and of course, lots and lots of Nebagamon memories. Please send an RSVP to [email protected], we look forward to seeing you!

The Road Show Heads West

With record lows at camp, we can’t wait to get out to California for our next three reunions! Our trip to the Midwest was a great success, and we’re looking forward to seeing more of you in the coming months!  Listed below is the entire reunion schedule, which, as usual, is subject to change. A few weeks prior to each reunion, we will email invitations to members of the camp family in the communities we’ll be visiting. For specific details, please reach out to the camp office — our number is 208-345-5544. Please be courteous and RSVP to the host families.


City Dates Reunion Details
San Diego February 5th 6:30 PM, Home of the Effress Family
Los Angeles February 6th 6:30 PM, Home of the Posen Family
San Francisco February 10th 3:00 PM, Home of the Susser Family
Denver March 3rd 7:00 PM, Home of Billy Galpern
London March 17th Home of the Hoffman Family

Congratulations to our February Birthdays!

Congratulations to our February birthdays!

February 1st: Larry Held

2nd: HJ Walberg

4th: Oliver Fox

5th: Glen Filley, Jared Micah Greaves, Jason Hirschhorn, Gus Peters, Diego Santa Cruz

6th: Adi Almukhamet, Mles Rontal, Eli Zelvy, Jamey Sharp

8th: Eli Terman, John Tierney

9th: Casandra Owens

12th: Jeremiah Bafumi

13th: Mark Gingiss, Matthew Grosman

14th: Gabe Colon

16th: Aaron Zelvy

18th: Quincy Hirt

19th: Arthur Brook Young

20th: Jackson DeWitt

21st: Jacob Greenwald, Henry Quinn-Pasin

22nd: Levi Gell, Jack Goodman, Sam More, Elizabeth Becker

23rd: Aaron Levi, Roksana Brozek, Micah Franzel, Ben Huston, Sebastian Klein

24th: Jackson Goldblatt, Daniel Sabados

25th: Charlie Davis, Sara Feinstein, Max Steinbaum

26th: Trevor Harriman, Edoardo Longo, Julian Saddleton, Austin Dowis

27th: Ari Held, Josh Abraham

28th: Jordan Carlin, Julian Jackson

The Road Show Rolls On

Adam Kaplan and Adam Fornear returned just a few weeks ago from the East Coast; at the beginning of 2019 the Adams will complete the Midwest section of the reunion tour. We can’t wait to see more of you in the coming months!  Listed below is the entire reunion schedule, which, as usual, is subject to change. A few weeks prior to each reunion, we will email invitations to members of the camp family in the communities we’ll be visiting. Please be courteous and RSVP to the host families.

City Dates Reunion Details
Chicago January 13th Heller Nature Center, 2:30 PM
2821 Ridge Road, Highland Park
Minneapolis January 16th 6:30 PM, Home of the Malk Family
San Diego February 5th 6:30 PM, Home of the Effress Family
Los Angeles February 6th 6:30 PM, Home of the Posen Family
San Francisco February 10th 3:00 PM, Home of the Susser Family
London March 17th Home of the Hoffman Family
Denver TBA

More Registrations for 2019!

It’s 2019, and registrations continue to roll in to our inbox for the upcoming summer! If you are planning on returning to Nebagamon this summer, please register soon so we can make sure you have a spot for the 2019 camp season. Listed below are the boys who are currently enrolled – let’s get your name on this list for the February Arrowhead!

2nd Grade Campers: Elliott Kleiman and Lazer Rosenbloom

3rd Grade Campers: Jake Finkelstein, Gabe Fisher, Eli More, Julian Saddleton, Sagiv Siegel, Jacob Solomon

4th Grade Campers: Jack Agran, Sam Cohen, Tate Gell, Will Gray, Miles Hall, Charlie Heist, Ari Held, Eli Hoffman, Logan Hoffman, Aidan Huberman, Gibson Kapp, Eli Karp, Gus Karsh, Chase Kornblet, Avi Maidenberg, Coulson McConnell, Linus Quinn-Pasin, Matan Radwin, Noah Schriftman. Seth Starhill, Juddah Thacker, Tanner Toback, HJ Walberg, Aaron Zelvy

5th Grade Campers: Austin Abeles, Brooks Coyle, Emmet Felner, Levi Gladstein, Charlie Goshko, Jackson Green, Nicholas Kallos, Milo Karsh, Nathaniel Kehrberg, Johan Kleiman, Ben Laytin, Cameron Louie, Ryan Mack, Drew Malk, Reece O’Connor, Mason Pedroza, Micah Rosenbloom, Syd Rosenbloom, Jonathan Schiff-Lewin, Logan Segal, Benji Solomon, Asher Toback, Levi Whalen Stewart, Jorn White, Elijah Winkler

6th Grade Campers: Atlas Barnes, Judah Callen, Solomon Cravitz, Matthew Gordon, Ollie Gray, Jack Hughes, Ezra Maidenberg, Sam Montag, Auden Osburn, Rafa Pasen, Ori Radwin, Zach Riven, Jacob Rolfe, Wesley Schwartz, Asher Sigman. Kobi Silver, Milo Solomon. Micah Stone, Eli Terman, Murray Wieseneck

7th Grade Campers: Alexander Averbuch, Jasper Braunschweiger, Joel Fisher, Levi Gell, Mark Gingiss, Gabriel Heller, Chase Herbert, Jack Krupnick, Jacob Lutsky, Hudson McConnell, Sam More, Milo Peterson, Ben Polonsky, Jonah Rontal, Owen Rosenthal, Matan Siegel, Lawson Weeldreyer, Josh Wells, Eli Zelvy

8th Grade Campers: Sebastian Alderman, Caleb Caraway, Michael Cohen, Charlie Duncan, Adam Eberhard, Nick Fleisher, Emmitt Gerstein, Jacob Greenwald, Ben Hackney, Nurali Kuanyshbek, Seth Lambert, Jacob Laytin, Josh Marcus, Rolando Martinez, Nelson Mendels, Henry O’Connor, Jake Paderewski, Rahul Pai, Nathan Starhill, Ollie Tannahill, Steven Weeldreyer

9th Grade Campers: Sam Bloch, Justin Blumberg, Jordan Carlin, Jesse Chan, Charlie Cohen, Ben Effress, Nick Friedman, Jesse Gell, Jackson Goldblatt, Jack Goodman, Jack Gordon, Trevor Harriman, Daniel Heller, Matthew Hooper, Gabi Huberman-Shlaes, Julian Jackson, Kasper Jorgensen, Peter Kallos, Jonah Karafiol, Adam Lewis, Miles Lokken, Sean McSherry, Eli Moog, Jake Powers, Brady Rivkin, Jack Rivkin, Daniel Sabados, Ben Shacter, Jason Shacter, Toby Shapin, Gabriel Sloan-Garcia, Nate Wells, Solomon Wexler, Nate Woldenberg, Noah Yaker