
The Roadshow Continues!

Reunited and it feels so good!

As always, the Camp Nebagamon road show will be headed for the highway! We are looking forward to seeing many of you during our travels. Listed below is a tentative schedule. Look for news about the rest of the travel schedule in the coming Arrowheads. Please contact the camp office at 208-345-5544 if you need any specific reunion details. Please be courteous and RSVP to the host families.

City Dates Reunion Details
St. Louis November 2nd Scissors, 10:00 AM
Memphis November 3rd Heist, 3:00 PM
Atlanta November 6th Herbert, 6:30 PM
Cincinnati November 7th Blatt, 7 PM
Detroit November 8th Rontal, 7 PM
Washington D.C. December 4th Cohen, 6:30 PM
New York City December 8th Sabados, 4:00 PM
Katonah, NY December 10th Katonah Public Library
Twin Cities January 2020 TBA
Chicago January 12th Heller Nature Center, 3:00 PM

2821 Ridge Road, Highland Park

Denver TBA TBA
Los Angeles TBA TBA
San Francisco TBA TBA



Congratulations to our November birthdays!

Congratulations to our November birthdays!

November 1st – Rafa Posen, Tommy Bellaire

2nd – Kosten Goldberg, Coulson McConnell

3rd – Atlas Barnes

4th – Asher Friedman, Digby Karsh

6th – Gabe Fisher, Daniel Plancarte, Andy Rolfe, Joe Crain

8th – David Sachs

9th – Andy Mack

10th – Ben Hackney, Stephanie Hanson

11th – Katie Lundeen

12th – Hannah Kane

14th – Ethan Pearson, Theo Schiff

16th – Jose de la Pena Zabia, Alvaro Lemus-Sandoval, Mitch Cohen

18th – Mau Caballero

19th – Parker Johnson, Charlie Zeeck

20th – Bill Hensel, Owen Marchant

21st – Jacob Rolfe, Michael Berler

22nd – Kasper Jorgensen, Jacob Lutsky

23rd – Andrew Meyer

24th – Jack Rogen, Wesley Schwartz

25th – Miles Hall, Max Saul, Jamin Eisenberg

26th – Gavin Gray

28th – Luca Ladner, Sebastian Rorsted, Luke Herzog

30th – Asher Toback

Congratulations to our October Birthdays!

October 3rd – Jacob Laytin, Patrick Pierce

4th – William Slaguero

5th – Ben Laytin

7th Jonathan Burbul

8th – Luis Gonzalez-Xochihua

9th – Kai Ruwitch

15th – Jack Connelly, Elliott Egan

16th – Tyler Gray, JT Hornick, Sam Owens

18th – Ryder Meisel

20th – Sam Montag

21st – Jonathan Schiff-Lewin

22nd – Tony Bogolub

23rd – Charlie Steinbaum

25th – Bradley Rittenberg, Noah Swanson

26th – Noah Meltzer, Jake Powers, William Wyden

27th – Jasper Braunschweiger, Peter Kallos, Jonah Rontal, Josh Wells

28th – Patrick Meehan

29th – Evan Friedman, Ben Lindy, Charlie Peters

30th – Ben Bakal

The Nebagamon 2019-2020 Roadshow!


One of the more fun tasks of the off-season is creating the travel schedule for the upcoming year.  Every year, we traverse the country meeting and reconnecting with members of the camp family to give them a little taste of the North Woods during the school year, just to keep them going!  Here is the tentative schedule for the 2019-2020 year.  We look forward to seeing you at one of these reunions!


St. Louis

November 2nd

Washington DC



Early November




November 6th




   November 7th

Los Angeles



November 8th

San Diego


New York


Please contact the camp office with any questions!

This year, Adam and Adam will be driving the same car that took campers to camp in the 30’s!

The 2020 Camp Season Will Begin June 18th!

We’re already getting excited for the 2020 season here in our winter office! Although last summer still is fresh in our minds, we’re busy preparing for next summer. Our dates for the 2020 season are as follows:

Session                                       Start                                              End
New Staff Orientation         Thursday, June 11
Staff Orientation                  Friday, June 12                                  Wednesday, June 17
Full Season                            Thursday, June 18                             Tuesday, August 11
First Session                           Thursday, June 18                             Tuesday, July 14
Second Session                    Thursday, July 16                               Tuesday, August 11
Family Camp                        Thursday, August 13                         Wednesday, August 19

Cabin Photos are June 20th – practice your silly pose now!

Important Information Regarding Camper Luggage and Travel


These should be firmly attached to every bag a camper brings with him, whether it is being checked in, carried on an airplane, or taken on the Chicago bus. This applies to everyone, regardless of airline or travel arrangements to camp. It is important that we, and airline personnel, are able to identify all baggage by the yellow Camp Nebagamon tags.


ALL Airlines: Please pre-pay baggage fees for your son’s return flight. This has changed from recent years and now includes Delta Airlines. (Please note that if for some reason the airline does not allow you to pre-pay, we will pay the fees on the return trip and charge your son’s spending money account.)

If you need to ship bags to camp, please notify Briggs ahead of time and send them at least one week prior to your son’s arrival at camp. Camp’s physical address (needed for any UPS/FedEx deliveries) is 11454 Camp Nebagamon Dr, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849. Please note that if you also want the luggage shipped home at the end of the camp season, it is simplest for our office (and our local UPS & FedEx drivers) if you can mail to Briggs’s attention at camp ([email protected]) completed FedEx/UPS tags or forms. (Please note that due to limited storage space at camp, and our arrangement with the MSP airport, we do urge you to check bags on the trip home if possible, especially on Delta Airlines.)


If you are booking your tickets through our travel agent, Travel One, any questions about airline tickets should be directed to Travel One at 800-245-1111. Ask for Liz Egge or Sonni Banks. Travel One issues electronic tickets for each camper, so do not worry about receiving a paper ticket for your child. If you are arranging travel independently, please submit the information via the online transportation form.


With camp just around the corner, our office has been busy checking in forms and getting ready for the first round of campers to arrive on June 18th. Regardless of which session your child is attending at camp, please submit his required paperwork if you have not already done so.

Please make sure the following items are completed as soon as possible:

*Cabin Preference Form: We need this information within the next few days in order to work on cabin placement before the season begins.

*Health History Form: Parents, make sure to complete all sections of this form (including medications and vaccination records) so that we are able to accurately understand your camper’s health history and prepare for his arrival. If your child needs prescription medications, please place your order with CampMeds, Inc. at www.campmeds.com. The ordering deadline is 30 days prior to your son’s arrival at camp.

*Physician’s Examination Form: We need paperwork showing that your son has received a physical exam within the past 12 months. You may download our physician’s examination form for your child’s doctor to complete or submit a copy of similar documentation from the doctor’s office. Please note that any immunization records provided by your doctor should also be entered in your son’s online health history form by you.

*Medical Treatment Authorization Form: This form MUST be signed by a parent/guardian prior to camper arrivals. A copy of his health insurance card should also be attached.

*Objectives & Personality Form: This information helps our counselors prepare to guide your son towards completing a happy and productive summer. You may also email a more detailed letter to his counselors at [email protected].

Last, but not least, when you have logged in to the camper forms system, make sure YOUR contact information is up-to-date and that you have listed two emergency contacts besides a parent/guardian. You may do so by clicking on “Update Addresses/Phone Numbers” under the Your Family section.

Meet the 2019 Staff!

We had an excellent year recruiting staff for the upcoming summer. Saying that we are proud of our 2019 staff lineup would be an understatement! Many of them have a wealth of experience working with kids and everyone is excited to continue the tradition of counseling amongst the tall pines! Their experiences vary from playing competitive futbol to creating amazing ceramic artwork. Whether they are from California, Memphis, River Falls, or France, they all have one common goal, to create an amazing experience for the 320 campers coming to camp this summer!

(* denotes a new staff member)

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF AND PROGRAM SPECIALISTS: Stephanie Hanson (Director), Adam Kaplan (Director), Joe Briggs (Associate Director/Office Manager), Adam Fornear (Associate Director/Wilderness Trip Director), David Sachs and Jake Miller (Swamper Village Director), Alex Gordon (Logger Village Director), Andy Rolfe and Jason Hirschhorn (Axeman Village Director), Noah Stein andAndy Cohen (Lumberjack Village Director), Louis Levin (Program Director), Henry Pulitzer (Waterfront Director), Walter Fromm (Waterfront Director), Grant Rosskamm (CNOC Director), Cindy Rolfe (Nature Director), Matthew Wilhelm (Artshop Director), Heather Kennedy (Art Specialist), *Audrey Hurt (Artshop Specialist), Sophia Gatzionos (MOCA Director), Zach Pearson (Target Shooting Director), *Jack Falcon (Climbing Wall Specialist), *Annie Hackbarth (Climbing Wall Specialist), Hugh Broder (Waterskiing Specialist), and *Lucy Stephenson (Photo Specialist).

SENIOR COUNSELORS: Fergal Spencer, Isaac Murray Stark, Matthew Wilhelm, Josh Levitas, Sam Branstad Phillips, Charlie Fromm, Eli Striker, Jake Lescher, Josh Abraham, Jake Beren, Tony Bogolub, Ben Huston, *Henry Quinn Pasin, *Pierre Chevalier, *Max Krupnick, Joey Apter, *Laurie Eastburn, Nachi Santa Cruz, *Carlos Beaujean, Jake Miller, Mauricio Zambrano, Eli Fromm, *Arthur Brook Young, *Eugenio Callabaro, *Josh Sheridan, *Elliot Egan, Reid Kahn, and Daniel Hayen.

JUNIOR COUNSELORS: Alex Buring, Isaac Weiss, Eric Portillo, Matthew Grosman, Joey Rivkin, Michael Berler, Drew Sklar, Nate Susser, Charlie Steinbaum, Jack Carriere-Auer, Coby Keren, Ben Sklar, Jesse Herzog, Luke Herzog, Ben Dubinsky, Ben Lindy, Micah Franzel, Ari Krupnick, Ari Weiss, Tommy Belaire, Elliot Heldman, Dylan Fox, Jack Rogen, Henry Lokken, Sebastian Klein, Jamin Eisenberg, Ben Platt, Ben Serwer, Sam Reichert, Ethan Rosenberg, Camden Blumberg, and Zack Lechter.

TRIP STAFF: Adam Fornear (Trip Director), Andrew Meyer (Assistant Trip Director), Amy Mack (Driver), Ron Gaare (Driver), Bill Hensel (Driver), Allen Bennett (Quartermaster), Jonah Domsky, Kate Bennett, Trenton Flegel, Grayson Nolan, Ethan Strull, Ethan Berman, Max Fleischer, Ted Chazkel, *Quincy Hirt, *Liam Janson, *Liam Casey, Zach Muzik, *Atish Batliwalla, *Holly Geurts, Diego Santa Cruz, and Hannah Kane.

FOOD STAFF: Anne Rowe (Food Service Manager), Cody Keys (Cook), Daisy Mack (Cook), Alex Fuller, Jonathan Burbul, Kaitlyn Lundeen, Ben Hanson Kaplan, Oliver Held, Asher Burvall, *Noah Swanson, and *Tiana Hursh.

MEDICAL STAFF: Amber Burvall (Nurse), *Molly Buring (Nurse Assistant), Melissa Moy (Nurse Assistant), Betsy Murray (M.D.), Trent Rosenbloom (M.D.), Mitch Cohen (M.D.), Jill Marcus (M.D.), Andrew Gordon (M.D.), Zach Lutsky (M.D.), and Amy Garcia (M.D.).

OFFICE STAFF: Joe Briggs (Associate Director/Office Manager), Linnea Moss (Town Driver), Jaye Hensel, Elana Scharff, and *Jordan Liebich

MAINTENANCE STAFF: Andy Mack (Head Caretaker), Joe Crain, Jack Raatz, and Cathy Fries (Big House Housekeeper).

Please Remember to Return Camp Forms by May 15th!

With the 2019 camp season quickly approaching, we’d like to issue a few reminders that will help to answer questions and make the transition into camp run as smoothly as possible.

  • All families should have received our packet containing the Parent Handbook and instructions for completing your camper forms. All the forms need to be submitted by May 15. If your doctor can’t schedule the physical exam until after May 15, that’s OK, but please shoot us an e-mail at [email protected] to let us know. We read every form in its entirety, and the information helps us provide a fun and healthy summer for each camper. Please be diligent in filling them out.
  • If your son will be using any daily medication in pill form, please note the due dates for CampMeds, a prepackaged medication service. (May 18 for first session and eight-week campers, and June 16 for second session campers.) This information was mailed to you in April and can also be found in the Parent Handbook.
  • The camp office is moving to Lake Nebagamon on May 3 this year, and we expect to be up and running by May 7. After May 7, we can be reached at 715-374-2275.
  • Please make travel arrangements as early as possible. If you are using the Official Travel Agency of Camp Nebagamon, Travel One, contact them at 1-800-245-1111 and work with Liz Egge or Sonni Banks. If you are not using Travel One, we need to know your plans by the May 15 deadline.