I Work for Us! How Cool is That?

By Troika Brodsky

It has not been lost on me that now that Camp Nebagamon has transitioned to a non-profit organization run by a Board of Directors made up of alumni from our own community, that from a certain point of view… Camp Nebagamon is now collectively owned by the camp family. And if we all now share a stake in the ownership of Camp Nebagamon, then that means I work for us! How cool is that?!

That’s right. The way I see it, each and every member of our extended camp family is now my boss. Yes, I know that technically Adam and Steph are my boss…but go with me here. My primary objective as the director of alumni relations is to foster additional avenues and meaningful opportunities for our community to stay connected and rekindle bonds, all while championing the legacy of this esteemed institution. Each decision I make in navigating my role is carefully weighed with the community’s – our – needs at the forefront. However, community ownership also necessitates community investment; it’s a reciprocal relationship.

As the new “owners” of Camp Nebagamon, there are numerous ways to invest in our relationship with our community. Keeping up with the Arrowhead newsletter each month, engaging with our social media posts, and staying informed about community news is a valuable step. Attending camp reunions in your area and reconnecting with former cabin mates may seem like small gestures, but they contribute significantly to our community. Simply sharing your love for camp with others can make a meaningful impact. Often, these casual yet passionate endorsements of Camp Nebagamon with peers lead directly to new campers and staff members joining our community.

Donating your time in support of Camp Nebagamon pays huge dividends back into our community as well. Countless hours of hard work has been invested by the members of our volunteer Board of Directors these past 2+ years to launch the new non-profit. Just these past few weeks I’ve been floored with gratitude for the support offered by Nebagamon alumnus Hugh Broder (‘66-’69, ‘74-’75, ‘16-’19, ‘23-’24), Danny Cohen (‘95-’01, ‘03-’07, ‘10-’11), Matt Friedman (‘83-’90), and Jim Schulman (‘90-’96, ‘00-’04) who all bent over backwards to assist with the rollout of our announcement of our next camp director (congrats again, Noah!). The camp family is brimming with generosity, wisdom, and expertise, presenting endless opportunities for everyone to contribute and volunteer in diverse ways as we move forward.

Donning my cap as director of development for a moment, it’s also important to highlight opportunities for financial investment in our community. Camp Nebagamon offers two primary avenues for charitable giving. Our Camperships program ensures boys can attend regardless of financial constraints. Additionally, our “Keeping the Fires Burning” capital campaign is in its final push to fully fund the purchase and transition of camp into a tax-exempt nonprofit model and establish emergency reserves for long-term stability. A third fund, the Camp Nebagamon Scholarship Fund (CNSF), though independent, provides tuition scholarships for non-profit summer camps serving youth facing poverty and disability. Established in 1947 by Muggs Lorber and overseen by Nardie and Sally Lorber Stein for over 50 years, CNSF and its own Board remains as dedicated as ever to its mission.

One more significant way you can invest in our community is by helping us at the camp office stay connected with you. If you’re receiving the Arrowhead newsletter in your email inbox, that means we’ve got your current email address on file. But having your current mailing address is just as important, even in the Internet age. Without it, we can’t send you occasional mailings or invite you to off-season reunions, for instance, which are always a blast.

So, we’re asking for your help to ensure we have the most up-to-date contact information for all our alumni. Plus, we want to hear what’s going on in your lives! Whether it’s graduations, engagements, marriages, births, professional milestones, or big projects, we want to celebrate with you and share the news with the rest of the camp family.

To make it easier for us to keep in touch, I’ve set up an online form for submitting alumni updates—both contact information and news. You’ll find it on the Camp Nebagamon website under the “CAMP FAMILY” section. This simple form sends responses directly to a new email account we’ve created: alumni@campnebagamon.com. Feel free to use this dedicated alumni email account to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns throughout the year. Remember, I work for us now! 

Visit https://campnebagamon.com/alumni-updates/ to submit contact information and alumni news.

Need help tracking down old cabin mates? I’m on it. Struggling to navigate our online Photo Archives? Shoot me a message. Thinking about visiting Lake Nebagamon but have some questions? I’d love to assist.

Now, to be clear, I can’t promise an immediate response to every query or that I’ll have all the answers at my fingertips. But I can promise to do my best, to be fully invested, and to always be here for the camp family.

Looking forward to staying connected! Keep The Fires Burning!