By Adam Kaplan
Greetings from…well…my basement…still in my basement. Normally, when I write my Arrowhead articles, I try to take something that is going in the world (or in my world), explore it a bit, and then give a Camp Nebagamon spin on it. However, today, I want to address the pandemic and give everyone an update on Camp Nebagamon.
As of course all of you know, we made the tough decision last year not to run camp as the information about the virus was still very incomplete and so, at the time, we did not feel confident that we could run camp in a safe way…always our very first priority.
Since then, much has been learned about COVID-19, how to mitigate it, and specifically, how to safely run a summer camp while the virus is still active. These lessons have been learned through incredible efforts on the part of the world’s medical and scientific communities, the hard work of the American Camp Association, and the successes and failures of camps that did run last summer. We just know so much more. Diving deep into the information and lessons, we have become much more comfortable with running camp safely during this pandemic.
Sheesh, that felt good to write!!!
Our full-time administrative crew has been feverishly working to create the safest and most fun summer that we possibly can. Indeed, this summer will be different from previous summers in several ways. At this point, given the continually changing landscape of the COVID-19 world we are living in, it would not make sense to enumerate all of the plans, and back-up plans, and back-up plans of the back-up plans that we have been working on. Having said that, there are some guiding principles at the core of all of this planning. These include:
Continually educating ourselves on the latest developments and recommendations from the CDC, American Camp Association, Wisconsin and Douglas County Departments of Health, medical professionals, and our fellow camps.
- A closed campus. While I have always maintained that, to the majority of our campers, the 77 acres of camp feels like the entire universe, this year we are going to make that real! Camp will exist as a bubble with no visitors. Even our staff will be spending their time off on the grounds (or on chaperoned and socially isolated field trips to quiet beaches and parks). In order to make it as likely as possible that everyone entering the camp bubble is COVID-free, our protocol will include a pre-camp quarantine, pre-camp testing, and a period, initially upon arrival, during which cabin groups will stay together as a cohort. This period will be followed up with a second set of tests, after an appropriate number of days, to check that indeed, we are free of COVID-19.
- Hiring an outstanding staff that is prepared to manage the unique challenges of this summer. We will be expanding our staff training to two weeks (up from eight days) to ensure that our staff is ready to facilitate an amazing summer (and probably so bored from listening to us that they will be INCREDIBLY excited to have those kids arrive!!!!) We will also be hiring extra medical staff and have arranged to have one doctor at camp for the ENTIRE summer to provide continuity of care.
- Masking and social distancing. We will be utilizing these important interventions to protect our community. We all wish we could be done with this, but at this point, it is still a critical tool to stay as safe as possible. Mask wearing and social distancing will likely be used when folks are interacting outside of their cohort groups. When within cohort groups, masks and social distancing will not be necessary.
- Being outside! Lucky for summer camps, being outside is extremely effective in the fight against COVID. I have always talked about how a summer at camp means that we are basically spending the entire time outside. This year, we are going to take that to a whole new level doing everything possible outdoors. We will eat outdoors (weather permitting) and we will move virtually all indoor activities outside.
- Increased sanitation and hygiene protocols. There will be a renewed emphasis on handwashing and we have built a new handwashing station to help facilitate that. We will also be increasing the frequency and targeted nature of our cleaning regimen using CDC recommended COVID-killing cleaning solutions.
- All for one and one for all. Everyone – parents, staff, and campers are responsible for the health of our camp community this summer. We will be asking everyone to commit to abiding by the protocols that we decide are necessary for a safe summer.
- Last but not least, clear and frequent communication with our families about what is happening at camp. We have always encouraged our camp parents to reach out to us for any reason and we, again, want to reiterate that we value your participation on our team to ensure your son has a fabulous summer at camp!
To be clear, these guiding principles are the foundation of what we are building to this summer. I wish that we could give you a definitive plan right now, but the information regarding COVID continues to change. It would be premature to think we know now what the conditions will be in four and a half months from now. However, I can promise you that we will continue to update you on our plans as they become more certain and as we flesh out the details as we approach the summer. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
(These guiding principles are posted on the camp website and you can read a bit more here.)
Wow….yeah…pretty dry Arrowhead article, Adam…..
I hear you….
Sure, I have just laid out many ways that camp will be different this summer. But, I also think it important to remind ourselves that Camp Nebagamon will still be the Camp Nebagamon we know and love this summer! The summer of 2021 will:
Be one of unabashed fun and playfulness. At a time when the world seems awfully serious, camp will serve as a reminder of how much fun life can be….and we intend, as ever, to embrace this fun fully!
- Foster lifelong friendships through Council Fires, sailing, pushball, laughter, cabin discussions and even a game of box hockey! Our kids have spent a lot of time away from each other over the past year; there can be no doubt that they all need some serious kid time. What better way than a month (or two-month) long slumber party!?
- Push each of us to be our best selves by a shared expectation that we are all committed to treating ourselves, each other, our community, and our environment as well as we possibly can.
- Help boys realize how capable they are; grow self-confidence. This is the beauty of a long portage on a canoe trip, the achievement of reaching the top of the climbing wall, the happiness of getting up on water skis, or the self-discovery of navigating the challenges and rewards of group living.
- Provide opportunities to live in nature. Play in nature. Deepen our love and respect for nature.
- Help boys discover new passions, talents, and interests.
- Provide opportunities for countless campfires. Anyone that has ever sat around a campfire with a group of friends knows all about the magic of that experience. Everything is different around a campfire. We all look a little different in the firelight. The warmth of a campfire is like none other. The conversations are deeper. The laughter more contagious. And the S’MORES, S’MORES, and more S’MORES are beyond compare!
These are treasures that a summer at Camp Nebagamon has always provided. And even in this summer, when camp will have to alter itself somewhat to protect our community from COVID, in all of the ways that matter, Camp Nebagamon will provide the exact same incredible experiences that it always has.
Hmmm…so I guess this Arrowhead article does follow my format – I took something going on in the world, explored it a bit, and then put a decidedly Nebagamon spin on it. As your camper will tell you, I am a believer in repetition (and that is just in my comedic world). So, rather than come up with a whole new Arrowhead article rubric, I just stuck with the same one! And instead of being concise and to the point, was long-winded as ever!
We are just so incredibly excited to be back up at camp this summer with a camp full of kids. We are working hard to make it happen and just cannot wait!