
Happy 4th of….um…Independence Day!!

Happy Fourth of July!  Ok…kinda the Fourth of July. Today at camp, we are celebrating Independence Day! (For some reason, the Village of Lake Nebagamon had to host the fireworks on July 5 instead of July 4, so we adapted!) There is nothing quite like the Fourth of July at Camp Nebagamon.  For my money,…


Stay tuned….

Sorry all…too much 4th of July fun happening here…and well, we just have not quite finished the update yet! It will be out to you all tomorrow. Just know, that we have had a lovely first run at the 4th of July today, but since the village of Lake Nebagamon is having their fireworks show…


(Cast) Iron Chefs…

Greetings from Camp! Last night was our second cabin cookout of the summer.  On Monday nights, cabin groups head into the woods to designated cookout sites to cook their dinners over an open fire. Now when we cook over an open fire here at Nebagamon, we are not talking about hot dogs on a stick,…


Redefining cool…

Greetings from camp,  One of my absolute favorite aspects of this place is the diversity of interests that our kids hold, and the ability of our staff to be creative and cater to these. This amazing variance was on full display last night during our Special Interest (SI) evening activity. Special Interest is a program…


A Big Special Day

By Louis Levin If you’re not looking too closely, it’s been just another normal few days at Camp Nebagamon this week. Although we’re still a little early on in the session, two of the big special days that our campers look forward to are starting to appear on the horizon. Next week we’ll celebrate the…


“It feels great around here”

By Noah Stein In conversations with campers and counselors the past few days, a recurrent theme has emerged. When I’ve asked folks what they think about the summer so far, I’ve repeatedly heard the response: “It feels really great around here.” I couldn’t agree more! It just feels like camp is clicking. Take our Wannado…


A dinner to remember…

Two nights ago, Dave Knoepfle arrived at camp.  Dave was a college friend of mine that I coaxed into coming to work at Nebagamon in 1987. (I know…you are all stunned that someone as young as me could have been in college in 1987. I don’t like to brag, but many of you may not…


We’re in this together

BY NOAH STEIN Yesterday I spent some time bouncing from village to village, checking in with all of our campers and staff. Meandering between villages, I witnessed something pretty special. A counselor, headed out on time off, noticed a camper sitting by himself. The counselor changed direction mid-step and headed towards the isolated camper. It…


Off and running!!

Greetings from Camp! Without a doubt, we are off to a great start here.  Yesterday, our first full day of camp, was a picture perfect day.  The boys spent the first period travelling to both the waterfront and to our CNOC (wilderness skills program) to get learn about safety policies and ranks that can be…


Joyful Noise…

There can be little doubt that during the month of May, when Louis, Briggs, Andy Joe, Noah and I were up at camp without anyone else around, it is a particularly beautiful and refreshing place.  Long isolated walks through the camp are a highlight of that time of year and we all truly enjoy them. But we all…