News of the Camp Family – September 2020

Compiled by Adam Fornear

Special Interests, Wannado, All Camp Activities…just a smattering of some of the evening programming that we do during the summer…a typical summer. We’ve missed these events, the weekly, and once-a-summer programs that make camp both comfortably predictable and excitingly variable. We’re always interested in finding a new activity to add, like the revamped All Camp Birthday in the summer of 2019. A couple years back we added something new called Counselor Hunt. The staff go off and hide throughout camp and then teams of campers go on the hunt for them. Simple concept and loads of fun. The counselors come up with some great hiding spots and the campers have a hoot chasing them down.

Time to start hunting for counselors!

While there are no officially sanctioned counselor hunts this summer, I still get to do a counselor hunt for the summer of 2021! As you read this the game has already begun…I’ve already checked the usual spots: the water tower, behind the bike shack, and down spitting springs trail. The only staff I found so far was Briggs setting up his game camera and Louis zooming by on his bike. So, time for me to utilize some other tools for the counselor hunt. Time to hit the virtual highway and begin the hunt for counselors, trippers, specialists, food service, office staff and infirmary staff…everyone that makes the magic happen!

For those staff that signed on for the 2020 season, you will be hearing from me shortly. I look forward to connecting and hearing about your summers and more importantly…hear about your enthusiasm for the summer of 2021! For those of you that are looking to apply for your first summer as an employee please reach out to me via my email: [email protected]. Lastly, for those alumni that have not worked at camp in say…10, 20 or 30 years…feel free to email me as well. You never know (and we have a couple of, respectfully saying, “Old Timers” that are still living the dream.)

Alright, back to some projects here at camp. As you can see below, I could really use some news of all of you! Please send any and all news to me at [email protected] and I will get you in the next month’s Arrowhead. Have a great day and be sure that you get outside!

IT MAY INTEREST YOU TO KNOW that Levi Gladstein (Prospect, KY) and his baseball team, the St. Louis Cardinals, won the St. Matthew’s Little League majors tournament championship. Nice work Levi! Atlas Barnes (Chicago) has been busy sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding and rowing crew all down at that awesome Lake Michigan waterfront in Chicago.

A Bull Of The Woods returning to the Northwoods!

IN THE WHERE ARE THEY NOW DEPARTMENT: Jaime Hensel (Atlanta/Anchorage/soon to be Minneapolis ’05-’09,’11-’13,’17) has accepted a job with the pain and palliative care department at Children’s of Minnesota.