By Louis Levin
I have a confession to make. While many of our campers (particularly those of the Lumberjack village) may dread the ringing of the wakeup bell at 8 AM, I, personally, love it. The sound of our bell is crystalized in my mind. In many ways, it is the sound of camp for me. But because of our morning administration meeting at camp, I don’t ever get a chance to wake up to the bell, and haven’t since I was a counselor in Logger 1. Finally I found a workaround.
Every morning, all winter long, I wake up to the bell. During the summer a few seasons back, I took a clandestine recording of the bell so I could use it as the sound for the alarm on my phone. Now, when I wake up in the off-season, I don’t suffer through the stock alarms that come on my phone — I rise with the sound of camp!
I was telling a close camp friend about my slightly silly morning ritual, and he enthusiastically wanted the recording. So, I thought I’d offer it up to the camp family: my 100% authentic, 13-second recording of our camp bell. Use it as your ring tone (do people still use ringtones?), wake up to it in the mornings, or throw it on your workout playlist. I’d love to hear if you end up using it for, well, anything — send me an email at [email protected]!
Download the bell here!

Still ringin’ after all these years