Compiled by Adam Fornear
Winter in Duluth continues to keep on giving! With deep snow abound, frozen creeks, frozen waterfalls, groomed bike and ski trails, flooded skate rinks, and open alpine resorts, it’s tough to get everything in without feeling rushed. This time of year, Duluth is like a summer at Nebagamon. There are 21 in camp projects to choose from, a wilderness trip schedule to take advantage of and of course S.I.’s and Wannado’s! There’s so many things and so little time…but instead of thinking what you should do, the best course of action is to just put on your boots and get after it!
Last weekend we had an epic adventure of sorts. I loaded up the truck with ice climbing gear, donuts, firewood, cheese, cookies, river skis, and a portable fire pit. My destination was up on the North Shore, nearby where a lot of our trips kick off. 30 miles north of Duluth and just 3 miles up the road from Betty’s Pies there is a great exposed rock face overlooking Lake Superior called Silver Cliff. This cliff turns out to be a great place for rock climbing during the summer and ice climbing in the winter months. Well, last winter we started a tradition to get together outside with a great group of friends and set up shop proper for a winter picnic with ice climbing. There’s a fire pit for warmth, ambience and cooking brats. Just a couple feet away is the cliff covered in climbable ice, and most importantly great people that all enjoy hanging out in sub 20-degree temperatures.
We couldn’t have asked for a better day. Blue skies, a beautiful blue Lake Superior, and great ice for climbing. The fire was lit, everyone climbed many routes, and lots of laughter was to be had. As the sun began to drop it was time to head on over to Silver Creek to stretch the legs. With everything packed up, we switched out of our climbing boots and laced up the cross-country ski boots.
Zigging and zagging up Silver Creek we went. The sun was setting and the moon was rising in the early darkness. We laid the first tracks in the area with the exception of some coyotes and deer. Great laughter again, fun frozen waterfall drops on the return and catching the final rays of the sun setting in the distance over Lake Superior.
After a long day, we were headed home laughing and bragging to each other how awesome this place is we call home. We got after it that day and every second of it felt great. I hope you do the same in your region and at camp this summer!
Nice work on those of you that sent me some news since last month’s Arrowhead. Thank you a million! Let’s keep up the good work and have the rest of you send me some news so I can make you famous in the Arrowhead and maybe even get that news/picture on our social media. Please shoot me an email at [email protected]. Till next time, I hope you all are Getting After It!
IT MAY INTEREST YOU TO KNOW THAT Micah Stone (Chicago) is staying busy with indoor rock climbing and getting ready for volleyball season to begin. Oliver Gray (Chicago) has also been rock climbing indoors with Micah. Oliver also took 2nd place in two different regional Chicago sailing regattas this fall. Asher Mendelsohn (Highland Park) is a student commissioner for the city of Highland Park on the Historic Preservation Commission.
[Ed. Note: Fornear wouldn’t put this in the news himself… but take a peek at who the Lake Nebagamon Volunteer Fire Department selected for Member of the Month for January here!]IN THE WHERE-ARE-THEY-NOW DEPARTMENT: Travis Timm (Austin, TX ‘12) is a firefighter for the city of Austin, TX. It’s a bit delayed, but Nicolas Kemper (Kansas City ’11) reached out the other day to share that he is married to Molly O’Laughlin and they have a daughter, Sylvie Pia O’Laughlin Kemper. Great to hear from you Nicholas!
WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS go to Maggie Horvath (St. Paul/Boston ’10-’11,’15) and Alex Stone (Boston).
IN THE BIBS AND DIAPERS DEPARTMENT: It’s a girl, Adira Vanya, for Tucker Slosburg (KC/Seattle ’93-’99,’02-‘11) and Krista Slosburg (Seattle).