The Keylog Archives

Keylog Fall 2020

The Memories Issue

"Time flies over us, but it leaves its shadow behind." -- Nathaniel Hawthorne

(Be seated and read)

Total Recall

How does one mark the passage of time during a camp summer? Is it a matter of acknowledging the days? Sunday services, Monday cookouts, Cruiser Day, Paul Bunyan Day… Is it weeks or sessions? Four-week campers, eight-week campers… No, when I really think about it, and when most of us look back on our Northwoods summers, I would suggest that it’s mostly a matter of moments. Here at Camp Nebagamon, we’re in the business of making memories — one moment at a time.

Years later, those moments come back into our thoughts in various ways. It may be a discovery of long-forgotten camp artifacts, a spark of recall regarding an unforgettable trip to camp, a past-and-present encounter that calls for a discussion of camp’s highlights, or photos that bring us back years or decades to a particular time and place. You can find all of those in this MEMORIES-themed issue of The Keylog.

But each of us has those memory moments filed in our brain. Password: 54849. Sometimes they reflect seminal moments in our camp experience; sometimes it’s just a recollection of something goofy or spontaneous or life-affirming. By way of example, off the top of my head, here are a handful of moments that rush into my mind when I open the floodgates:

Moment #1: Despite the fact that I have turned into a relatively nice adult, I was not always a nice kid — so much so, that one of my most important and detailed memories of my camp experience…of my childhood…was a meeting in the Lumberjack Push Shack during my 8th grade summer with Nardie and Sally. I vividly remember being summoned there by my village director that afternoon. I had a small sense of dread as talks with him were never pleasant. But when I opened the door and saw Sally and Nardie sitting there, a whole new level of dread set in. This was the big one…I braced myself to hear a litany of examples of what I had done wrong and an order to pack my bags. As it turned out, this was not a meeting to enumerate my numerous incidents of poor behavior. Quite the opposite really. It was a meeting in which my camp directors told me that they saw within me the makings of someone special and a good leader. They wanted me to know that they saw the potential in me and really challenged me to find that potential and live up to its promise. My Nebagamon career — and without exaggeration, my life — changed in that moment. I promised myself, and my camp directors, that I would do better….be better. And ever since that day, I have tried to do so. (And it didn’t hurt that they also informed me that if I didn’t start to move in the direction of reaching my potential, I would be sent home early and not be welcomed back to Nebagamon again!!)

Nardie and Sally, 1980

Moment #2: I was not a big tripper by any stretch of the imagination. Truth be told, I used to take one trip each session just to keep my counselors off my back.  By the time I was a 9th grade camper, I had never even ventured into the Boundary Waters. I finally decided to go. As anyone who works in the camp office will tell you, to this day, I remain proud of my Round-to-Kawishiwi six-day trip. I can tell you where we camped, the length of the portages, and all of the members of the trip. It is a memory burned into my brain. I specifically remember an afternoon at an island campsite on Little Saganaga Lake….when nothing special happened. Just a group of guys sitting around on the rocks all afternoon having fun and telling stories. Again, not a particularly remarkable experience, but, to this day, one of my most important experiences in nature.

Trippers, 1996

Moment #3: Cruiser Days are always punctuation marks in a camper’s experience. Having said that, by the time one becomes a Lumberjack, it can be hard to fully buy into yet another Star Wars Day on Cruiser Day! Our counselors that week decided that we would try something new. A true CRUISE-er Day. We would paddle across Lake Nebagamon and up the Minnesuing Creek all the way to Lake Minnesuing itself. To be clear, the Minnesuing Creek is very much that… a creek. It is not really conducive to paddling. So the day was a challenging one. From portaging over countless fallen logs, to mosquito infestations, to more leeches than any of us had ever experienced, the day was full of things to test our mettle and dampen our spirits. And yet, when we finally reached Lake Minnesuing, we felt as though we were Lewis and Clark (except that we actually found what we sought!) Our celebratory feast of soggy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was one of the best meals I have ever eaten.

On Lake Nebagamon, 1983

Moment #4: My full circle memory as a counselor involves a very challenging camper from Denver. He was a bright guy and not without charm and promise, but he just seemed to have trouble being kind to the others around him. From bullying episodes, to unkind jokes that were meant to hurt, to acts of vandalism around camp, this guy just was not cutting it as a camper… So, I invited him to meet with me in… the Lumberjack Push Shack. It was there that told him that I saw within him the makings of someone special and a good leader. I wanted him to know that I saw the potential in him and really challenged him to find that potential and live up to its promise. He took what I said to heart and had a great final two summers at camp, working to be that person that he knew was inside. He became an outstanding counselor, and we are still close to this day.  (And it didn’t hurt that I also informed him that if he didn’t start to move in the direction of reaching his potential, he would be sent home early and not be welcomed back to Nebagamon again!!)

Found Treasures

by Brad Herzog

I can’t think of camp without thinking of keepsakes. I’ve often said that the vast majority of my childhood memories seem to revolve around the nine weeks a year (family camp counts!) that I spent in the Northwoods. But keepsakes are valuable to assist in maintaining those memories, sort of the way a grainy home movie might remind you of the trip you took to Disney World at age seven.

So one of my prized possessions is a Ziploc bag brimming with letters from camp. Naturally, my mom saved them all. I know I’m not the only guy my age who still has them. Andy Cohen, who experienced the same six camper summers as I, even printed some of his saved letters in his memoir, Most Talkative, and read a few of them on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. And for his 40th birthday about a dozen years ago, his friends produced a video for him showing a few of his famous pals — the likes of Jerry Seinfeld and Liam Neeson — hilariously reading some of those letters aloud.

And my six-year cabinmate, Jonathan Ringel, saved some letters, too. One of them has proven to confirm a vital memory to me. You see, on a cabin trip as a Swamper in 1978, I caught what wound up being the biggest fish snagged all summer — an impressive northern pike. Remarkably, a photograph exists of me holding a fishing pole bent dramatically. Just as remarkably, the photo doesn’t show the darn fish! The proof of the biggest fish I’ve ever caught is missing. In fact, I even reference it at the beginning of a TED talk I gave several years ago about “Catching Creative Ideas” — as an example of how we’re sometimes forced to use our imagination.

So the idea for a talk about ideas began with the above frustrating photo. But thanks to Jonathan Ringel, I finally have firsthand confirmation. Jonathan sent me a letter he came across… and there it is! In writing! “Brad Herzog caught a 20 inch fish.” Sure, for years I’ve been recalling it as a 24-incher. But still… proof.

So what a find it is when we come across something unexpected from our past, something to spark a memory, something to take you back in time to a moment that is suddenly vivid in your recollection. Frankly, this happens every time I return to visit my parents in the house in which I grew up in Deerfield, Illinois. I spent much of my time there sifting through about 50 years of collected stuff — in old files, in basement boxes, etc. I consider it “decluttering.” My parents, given my frequent “did you even know you had this?” admonitions, consider it rather annoying. But really, I’m exploring. I’m seeking out hidden treasures.

It’s a tall task, a bit like trying to make sense of the the stuff brimming in the Big House… and the Wanegan… and the Herb Hollinger Museum. A sort of organized chaos. But, actually, it’s an apt comparison. Why? Because amid the generations of materials (much of which could be easily discarded), I came across an unexpected treasure. It came in the form of a large envelope of Nebaga-memorabilia that had been saved by my dad, Buddy Herzog. So what do you find when you dive into the stuff that Bud Herzog saved during his nearly six-decade association with Camp Nebagamon? What kind of memories were saved? Let’s take a look:

There were old photos — cabin pics, staff photos, my father and his good pal (the late Al Goldman) livening up a Follies, my father and grandfather standing next to the Council Ring in its 1952 iteration — but there were also some really cool keepsakes. I found, for instance, a couple of staff contracts — to be a C.I.T. in 1957 and a first-year junior counselor in 1958 — signed by Max J. Lorber and Bud Herzog. The C.I.T. stint was unpaid, the J.C. job nearly so — $75 was his salary. “You’re signature on this contract,” it read, “implies that you are satisfied with it.” I’m sure it was gleefully signed.

Equally fascinating to me was another find — the actual scripts from both a Sunday Service and a Council Fire at the beginning of the 1960s. Bud and Al did the Sunday Service together, a sort of farewell after several years on staff. They called it “This We Have Gained,” and it was about “gains which are noticed only after a relatively long period of time” — the Nebagamon experience “of a more hidden, intangible nature” in which “values are concerned with relationship between people…” That was in 1961. Many of my father’s camp relationships still thrive 59 years later.

Also in the treasure box, a photograph of Andy Rinde, autographed by the man himself. Rinde was a legend at camp, a staff member from 1937 to 1963. That’s Rinde, as in Rinde Ball. So it’s kind of like having an autographed picture of Rudolf Diesel or Louis Braille or Charles Boycott. Kind of.

Another photograph find dates back to 1967, a rather blurry pic of my dad standing beneath the “Camp Nebagamon” sign during one of his first forays into family camp. It was the start of a tradition that is one of the most meaningful in his life — he’s a been a family camper for something like 45 of the past 50 years. But what’s particularly intriguing about the photo is this: You’ll notice no Paul Bunyan in the background. It was that fleeting moment between Pauls.

Also saved with care over the years were a couple of letters from Muggs Lorber himself, including one in which he expresses his pleasure at meeting Bud’s five-year-old twin sons Brian and Brad and another quick note from several years later, in 1981, less than a year before he passed away. That solemn occasion was marked by two final artifacts. One was a copy of Nardie Stein’s marvelous eulogy (on March 21, 1982), which included these sentences: “It is said that we mortals live in hope and die in despair; that men are only dreamers who reach for the stars. We remember today a person who early in life looked up, saw what he wanted to do, and then did it.”

And finally, I found a typewritten letter written from Bud Herzog to Janet Lorber in Miami Beach soon after: “I remember when I was at the University of Michigan one of my assignments was to write a paper about the man that I most admired. I chose to write this paper on Muggs Lorber… Muggs had the uncanny ability when talking to an individual, whether this individual be eight years old or 68 years old, to instill.. the feeling that Muggs was totally interested in the person… He made you feel special. He made you feel that you were the most important person at that moment in Muggs’s life.”

So that’s what camp keepsakes offer. A recollection of an impactful scene, a proud moment, an unforgettable mentor, a valued emotion. I placed the above treasures, along with a whole bunch of other old camp photos, into a “this is your life” scrapbook that I put together for my dad’s 80th birthday last July. Many of us have those camp memories stored somewhere. But perhaps some of us have forgotten where. It’s never too late to rediscover them.

A Priceless Diamond Memory

Recalled by Reed Maidenberg with Mike Maidenberg

It’s the fall of 1958. Muggs and Janet Lorber drive to my home in Marion, Indiana to present to me and my parents a funky slide show and eight mm movie about a place called Camp Nebagamon, which we had heard about from my parents’ friends, the Pragers in Indianapolis. Their son Tom had gone there and had high praise. Suitably impressed with the Muggs and Janet presentation, we agree that I should try Nebagamon for the eight-week session beginning near the end of June 1959.

With our plans cemented, I say I would like to try the camp train option leaving from Indianapolis to Chicago on the Monon Railroad. Campers and staff would gather in Chicago, attend a baseball game, then leave in the evening for Wisconsin on the overnight train.

I am beyond excited, and of course nervous about the summer ahead, the newness of the experience, and the unknown. But I am a pretty adventurous kid. I like to try new things. I’m up for it.

I don’t recall much about the gathering with campers and staff. That’s all a blur. But the baseball game was unforgettable, for entirely unforeseen reasons. It’s the Yankees vs. the White Sox in Comiskey Park. The White Sox have one of the best teams in years, and they will go on to win the pennant, though lose to the Dodgers in the World Series. For the moment, though, I am a big- time Yankees fan, and I’m thrilled to see my team!

All of us campers are seated together with Nebagamon staff along the first base line behind the Yankees dugout. The parents are seated a bit further away. My dad, Milt Maidenberg, is at the game but he will be leaving to drive home to Indiana well before the game ends.

It’s Billy Pierce pitching for the Sox, Art Ditmar for the Yankees, who have their now legendary players on the roster: Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Gil McDougald, Hector Lopez, Bobby Richardson, Bill “Moose” Skowron, Hank Bauer.

It’s the top of the sixth inning. The Yankees are leading 6-2. Moose Skowron is up to bat. He hits a towering pop-up that soars above the dugout, and we watch it with rapt attention. Some campers have brought their mitts to the game. They take them out, eyes on the now plunging ball.

Down it comes, nearer and nearer. The mitts are outstretched, like flowers awaiting raindrops. All eyes follow the ball’s descent. Down, down, down…

Blam! The ball hits the top of the dugout and caroms toward us! I watch it fly over my head behind me, then I see a hand reach up and make a barehand catch! It’s my dad! Pure reflex! He is walking over to find me to say goodbye and catches the ball! The stadium crowd erupts in a cheer. I am beside myself with excitement!

Milt, my hero in so many ways, adds another feather to his cap. He comes down a few rows, presents me with the ball, gives me a hug and kiss, and leaves for the drive back to Marion.

I have a cool thing to share with my cabinmates. I’ll be in Swamper One this summer, Muggs’s last as director, with the great Paul Kent as counselor. The overnight train ride from Chicago to Hayward is magical and memorable. I’m sleeping in the upper bunk, and the rocking and rolling motion portends the changes coming in my life, and in the lives of all others in the years to come. I don’t remember sleeping that much.

The railroads are nearing the end of their heyday, and their many decades of service to the travelers of the country. President Eisenhower has championed a great network of Interstate Highways that will serve the ever growing number of private automobiles, with their bombastic and often grandiose designs, giant tail fins, huge iconic lumbering machines that will cruise this great network of roads and render the railroads obsolete for mass passenger travel.

I have this beautiful scuffed baseball, along with a few others, in my drawer in my room at home for years. Then, as I grow older and look to places far away for new experiences and adventures, I leave my home in Indiana, and the treasures of my boyhood gathered in a few shoeboxes. One day I will return to find not only my room has been completely gutted, my built-in desk and dresser removed, but my treasured objects are also gone! I thought they were safe, but the vicissitudes of time and my seeming indifference to their fate made these totems of my youth vulnerable to the crusading remodeling instincts of my mother.

I don’t have the scuffed Skowron foul ball anymore. My parents have both passed away, and the family home was sold in 2009 after having been built and occupied by our family for 61 years.  

What remains are the memories formed in the head and heart of a young boy. They are as vital to me today as in that instant when I saw the grin on my father’s face as he put a baseball in my hand, and I left for my first summer at Camp Nebagamon.

Nebagamon from A to Z

by Brad Herzog

Trails Forward is an opportunity to mix Camp Nebagamon’s THEN with its NOW, bringing camp alumni back to chat with current campers about their interesting jobs — and sometimes to create projects together. A couple of summers ago, I had the opportunity to talk with campers about the writing life, including a number of rhyming alphabet picture books that I’ve written about everything from baseball and the Olympics to the environment and immigrants. Then a half-dozen campers — Jordan Carlin, Emmitt Gerstein, Aidan Capes, Atlas Barnes, Linus Quinn-Pasin, and Matan Radwin — assisted me in brainstorming an alphabet rhyme about Camp Nebagamon itself. The following is our collaborative creation:

A is for arrival. The yellow light! There’s Paul!

We’re so glad to back home at “A Place of Welcome for All.”

What a beautiful place to B, from the Brule to the BWCA.

The Big House, bug juice, the Buddy Board, and the bell to start the day.

C is for campers and counselors, for CNOC and candy lines,

Cabin cookouts, Cruiser Days, the climbing wall above the pines.

D is the directing duos. Through the decades they have shown

There’s a destiny that guides us, but none goes his way alone.

Rub your eyes and yawn. The wake-up bell is ringing.

It’s E – “Everybody Rise and Shine.” The kitchen staff is singing.

Four-square, fishing, family camp… F means lots of fun.

It’s for the friends we’ve found here. We cherish every one.

G? There’s lots of options for our next Nebaga-rhyme.

G-swim! The Grundy Undy! A GTC! That’s a good time.

Head down to the Waterfront. No camp has one that’s better.

The swimming dock is in good shape. An H. That’s our next letter.

I is the infirmary staff that keeps us on our feet

For a trek to Isle Royale, the 8th grade Big Trip treat

J is for the J-stroke. Keep paddling. Don’t stop.

It’s also for a place to rest. We call it the Jop.

At each Sunday Council Fire, full of laughs and learning,

K is for a keylog to Keep the Fires Burning.

The Lower Diamond, Lorber Point, the lake we know so well.

The Logger Lover. The Little House. That’s our letter L.

M is MOCA, the MOD, and mountain biking, too.

And don’t forget to fill your jug with good ol’ Mountain Dew.

N must be for Nature Lore, a place to celebrate

The wonders all around us that make the Northwoods great.

The O-tent, the O-Cup… At Orienteering every day,

We use a map and compass to help us find our way.

Paul Bunyan awaits us. That’s our letter P.

It’s the Project Board, village pushes, and photography.

The quiet of the Quetico, paddling a canoe.

This Big Trip destination is our letter Q.

R is for the Rec Hall, our raucous dining hall.

The heart of camp just may be in this place most of all.

Sleep late on a Sunday before you rise and shine.

S is for a Sunday Service at the Chuck Hirsch Shrine.

“Thanks for the Pines” – that’s our T. It puts us in the mood

To appreciate the camp we love and express our gratitude.

Let’s climb to the Upper Diamond. That’s our letter U.

Up high, under a massive sky – an unforgettable view.

Swampers, Loggers, Axemen, Lumberjacks… What we do call these?

V is for the villages – camp’s communities.

Wilderness trips from Wisconsin. That’s our W.

The Waterfront, the Wanegan, the fun of Wanna-do.

X is for the X-boats. Catch a cool lake breeze

And skim along the water, sailing past the trees.

Y is for the Yo-Yo Islands, a land so far away.

There’s Ug. There’s Mug. Let’s all salute and welcome Chief A.K.

Z… Zero days left of camp. Oh, it’s such a bummer.

We zip our duffels and count the weeks until we’re back next summer.

Thanks for the Pines book

Want an inspiring way to experience CN year-round? Leave it on your coffee table. There are still copies of THANKS FOR THE PINES: A Celebration of Camp Nebagamon available here. Hundreds of photos, dozens of essays, countless memories. Open it any time your feeling wistful.

Camp Family News

Keep us posted! You can send life updates to Louis Levin in the Camp Nebagamon office ([email protected]) or directly to Keylog editor Brad Herzog ([email protected]).

Ken Lewis (Prospect, KY 61, 75) is a liquor retailer and entrepreneur who owns the New Riff distillery in Newport, KY, known for its rye whiskey blends… Brian Herzog (Highland Park, IL 78-83, 85-89) and Chad Goldenberg (Hopkins, MN 78-83, 85-89) are partners in a business called Hotel Staffing Solutions, headquartered in Northbrook, IL… Brad Herzog (Deerfield, IL/Pacific Grove, CA) has published a new book, DETOUR: A Cross-Country Drive Through America’s Wrong Turns, which includes a few pages about a familiar 77 acres in Wisconsin. You can read more about it hereJustin Karbel (Detroit/Stamford, CT 79-83) is Managing Director of Land n Sea, a New York-based apparel manufacturer, where he has worked for 20 years… Jay Sternberg (Bethesda, MD 82-86, 89-90, 95) lives in Maryland with his wife and two sons. For the past five years, he has served as Vice President of Marketing for Operation Homefront, a national nonprofit serving America’s military families… Jill Kiersky Marcus (Chicago 89-95) started a new job as Assistant Professor, Family Medicine at Rush University in Chicago… Kim Swenson (Superior, WI/Hong Kong 89-97, 01) is the communications lead in corporate real estate at HSBC in Hong Kong.

Lumberjack 1, 1977

Amber Burvall (San Diego 99, 12-19) is a lactation consultant at Sharp Healthcare and also runs a private practice visiting new moms at home. She also started her own handmade swimwear and lingerie business called Surfmade in San Diego… Robby Balikov (Chicago/Bloomington, IN 01-06, 08-11) is currently getting his MBA at Indiana University’s Kelley Business School…Recently engaged Max Sapiro (Englewood, CO/Park City, UT 02-07, 09-12) owns a couple of stores called Double Diamond Shoes – one in Park City and one in Vail, Colorado… Jaime Hensel (Atlanta/Minneapolis 05-09, 11-13, 17) has accepted a job with the pain and palliative care department at Children’s Minnesota… Luca Bacci (Highland Park, IL/Minneapolis 06-07, 09-12, 14), who was recently married, is territory manager for KEEN footwear… Walt Fromm (Kansas City/Minneapolis 06-12, 14-15, 17, 19) is co-founding The People’s Canvass, which is a progressive organization that is set to be the biggest deep canvassing operation in the country.

Logger 4, 1997

Bailey Aro Hutchence (Duluth 08-10, 12) and Joe Hutchence (Duluth 07-12) who met at camp a dozen years ago, recently launched a new business called Cedar Bound, which offers buildable cabin kits nationwide… Margeaux Settinerri (Lake Hawea, New Zealand 13-16) is happily trapped near the New Zealand city of Wanaka, where she has been working as a canyoning guide for the past three summers. When she’s not canyoning, she is helping organize local festivals and developing her meditation practice… Todd Ahlers (Chicago/Winter Park, CO  16-18) spent the summer fighting wildfires for the Cedar City Hotshots based out of Cedar City, UT… Zach Sullivan (Duluth 16, 18) has been creating adventure bags for biking and other outdoor activities… Kate Bennett (Columbus, OH 17-19 ) is finishing up her final months at Mount Carmel School of Nursing in Columbus, Ohio, including clinical training in the ICU with COVID patients… Matthew Wihelm (Wausau, WI/Burnsville, North Carolina 17-19) has been teaching at Arthur Morgan School, a partial boarding middle school in Burnsville, North Carolina.

Hodag, 2007


Our productive alumni:

Bill Reichert (Cincinnati/Dubai 78-83, 85) and Olga Khlusova – Thomas

Andrew Oshman (Dallas 85-88) and Amy Oshman – Nola

Brian Neil (Denver 95-00, 02-04) and Jessica Neil – Max

Daniel Abrams (Deerfield, IL 99-05, 07-08) and Rhonda Abrams – twins Jennie and Quinn

Peter Stein (Memphis/Durham 98-02, 11) and Lizzy Stokes-Cawley – Eli

Elisa Noble (Minneapolis 09-11) and Luke Noble – Jack

Kathryn Korchak (Gallagher) (Lake Nebagamon/Minneapolis 09-11, 15) and Kostiantyn Korchak – Vira


We are sad to report the following deaths:

Bud Meissner (St. Louis) 33-34. 

Harris Frank (St. Louis) 36-37, 40-42

Leo Bearman (Memphis) 45-54, 56

Tom Gidwitz (Chicago/Nantucket, MA) 63-67

Sue Weisner (Superior/Englewood, FL) 67-69. *Note: In 1969, as director of what was then known as the craftshop, Sue was camp’s first female head of program.

Gordon “Gordy” Westlund (Lake Nebagamon/Superior) CN head caretaker from 1973-95

Thank You, Donors

The Camp Nebagamon Charities website is dedicated to both the Camp Nebagamon Scholarship Fund (CNSF) and Camperships For Nebagamon (CFN). Learn about different donation options, read about each charity, and more.

New Level of Alumni Support for Nebagamon-Affiliated Charities

Nebagamon’s alumni community has stepped up support for our affiliated charities in recent years in meaningful ways. In addition to generous direct support for both Camperships for Nebagamon and the Camp Nebagamon Scholarship Fund, alumni have increasingly encouraged donations to one or both funds as memorials and to honor happy occasions. In honor of Camp Nebagamon’s 90th season, Camp Nebagamon Charities also instituted a virtual keylog program, a means of giving while thanking someone special (you can donate and fill out a message here). Contributions are split evenly between Nebagamon’s two affiliated charities. You will receive two separate emails confirming your contribution to each fund. If you’d like to give a unique donation to CFN or CNSF of if you’d like to give a gift in honor or memory of someone, please use the CFN-specific and CNSF-specific donation pages.

Generous donations to the Camp Nebagamon Scholarship Fund (CNSF) helped 224 kids attend non-profit camps in the summer of 2019 — and donations will continue to provide priceless experiences in the summers to come. CNSF helps children and teens who experience poverty and disability attend non-profit summer camps that specialize in meeting their needs. Recipient camps (located near communities where Nebagamon campers live) offer expert therapeutic and adaptive recreation and a nurturing environment for kids who have been exposed to adversity and trauma. Children are among peers and role models for success at these camps as they enjoy friendship, adventure and personal growth — opening new possibilities for a more positive future.

CNSF was founded in 1947 by Muggs and Janet Lorber, Nebagamon’s founding directors, and administered for 50+ years by Nebagamon’s former directors, Nardie and Sally Lorber Stein. Check out our Instagram and Facebook page to learn more!

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The following individuals, foundations, and corporations have supported CNSF from May 1, 2020 through October 31, 2020:

Betty and Jerry Abeles (Kahn-Abeles Foundation)
Cecelia and Mickey Abramson
Scott Abramson
Katie Ahlberg
Max Alpert
Steve Apter
Susan Arenberg
Jeanne and Michael Aronoff
Joel Aronoff
Alexander Averbuch
Drew and Jenna Barnett
Harriet Baron
Charlie Barrows
Donna Barrows
Christopher Bates
David and Judy Bearman
Kristen and Lou Bellaire
Jake Beren
Todd Bernstein
Ric Best
Adam Bezark and Kristen Simental-Bezark
Alexandra Bigler
Peter Blair
Andrew and Carrie Block
Brian Block
Michael Blonsky
Adam Bloom
Jeremy Bloom
Susan and Tony Blumberg
Lori and Jeff Blumenthal
Dan and Jennie Bowen
Adam and Julie Braude
Jackson Breyer
Hugh Broder
Troika Brodsky and Elizabeth Potter
Larry and LuAnn Brody
Spencer Brown
Jeff Burnstine
Anne Caraway
Kathryn Carmona
Larry Cartwright
Daniel Chait
Bob and Stacie Chukerman
Ellen and Scott Chukerman
Andy Cohen
Carol Bayersdorfer Cohen and Ed Cohen
James Cohen
Jeff Cohen and I. Autumn Le Greenberg
Mitch Cohen and Stephanie Tomasky
Aiken, Bina, Jae and Zack Colman
Mary Connelly
Jim and Suzy Cornbleet
Michelle and Stan DeGroote
Michael Deutsch
Bill and Leann Dexter
Ian Diamond
Jessie and Scott Diamond
Steve Domsky and Deborah L. Pollack
Bob Dubinsky and Sarah Rubenstein
Eric Dunn
Sarah Eberhard
Steve Ehrlich
Dan Feldman and Gayle Weiswasser
Andy Follman
Amy Foxman
Bill Friedman and Marissa Jones
Jacob Friedman
Betsy and Spencer Garland
Ben and Logan Gerber
Aliza and Jim Gerstein
Heather Gladstein
Karla Bright and Ryan Glasspiegel
Stephen Goldfarb
Josh and Sarah Goldman
Jonathan Goldstein
Jimmy Golen
Alex and Julie Gordon
Debbie and Doug Gordon
Josh Gray
Sharon Green
Brennan Greene
Sam Greenhalgh
David Greenhouse
Jim Guest and Liz Lewis
Bill and Cheryl Guthman
Haley Haavik
Howard and Wendy Handler
Joseph Harriman
Trevor Harriman
Michael and Pat Harris
Jacob Haspiel
Bill and Jaye Hensel
Jaime Hensel
Armie Herbert
Alice and Joe Herz
Amy and Brad Herzog
Amy and Brian Herzog
Hazel and Bud Herzog
Bud and Marian Hirsch
Dana, Oliver and Quincy Hirt
Kristen and Mark Hoffman
Leslie Hornick
Maggie Horvath
Rolando Hoyt
Joseph Hutchence
Helaine and Warner Isaacs
Ted Jadwin
Alex Kahn
Ken Kanter
Stephanie Hanson and Adam Kaplan
Blair Kaplan
Euan and Jane Kerr
Chloe and Jake Kessler
Eric and Sharapat Kessler
Keybank Foundation (Matching Gift)
Micki Klearman
Aimee Kleiman
Aimee Knutson
Jay Kolbrener
Elissa and JK Koretz
Lauri and Ron Koretz
Kerry Kornfeld and Andrea Wilson
Stu Kornfeld
Josh Kotin
Andrea and Brian Kramer
Danielle Brinker and John Kramer
Ari Krupnik
Max Krupnik
Sasha and Shauna Krupnick
Will Kuby
Andrea L’Tainen
Larissa Laguna
Emily and Michael Laskin
Joe Laskin
Dan Laytin
Eli Lehrer
Adam Lenter
Louis Levin
Lia Grigg and Dan Levis
Samuel Levis
Susan Lindy
Samuel Lucas
Kitty and Mike Maidenberg
Ted Maidenberg
Jorie Malk
Ben Maloney
Andrew and Jill Kiersky Marcus
Cheryl Mattingly
Karin Matz
Todd Maurer
Jonathan May
Andy and Deborah Mayer
Kimberly McSherry
Jean and Stan Meadows
Thanda Meehan
Charles Mendels and Elaine Rosenblum
Misa Galazzi and David Michel
Eric Montag
Erika and John Montag
Andrea Morris
Zach Muzik
Spence Myer
Kristin Ahlberg and Phil Myers
Bob and Mary Nefsky
Network for Good
Brule and Thad Kurowski and Katy Neusteter
John Nevins
Gregg and Jodi Newmark
Trygve Olsen
Jim Platt and Deborah Snyder
Pepsico, Inc. (matching gift)
Jennifer Polacheck
Ami Polonsky
Sam Prince
Marcia Kaplan, M.D. and Michael Privitera, M.D.
Henry Pulitzer
Lisa Pulitzer
Adam Quiat
Daniel Quiat
Steve Reichert
Jay and Jennifer Riven
Larry and Michele Rivkin
Michael Rivkin
Andy and Cynthia Rolfe
Anthony and Marya Rose
Judd Rosenblatt
Ellie and Trent Rosenbloom
Carol Murphy and Bill Rosenthal
Robert Rudich
Trish Russell
Noah Saag
Chris and Frank Sachs
David Sachs
Guy and Linda Sachs
Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church
Kim and Tom Saltzstein
Joel Saslawsky
Mark Schaeffer
Jon and Sue Scharff
Laury and Lewis Scharff
Elliot Schiffer
Clayton Schmidt
Pat and Fred Schonwald, Jr.
Andrew Schram and Yuan Zhang
Bud and Peggy Schram
Natalie Mandel and Jeff Schram
James Schulman
Ed and Laura Schwarz
Irl and Jennifer Scissors
Judith and Mark Segal
Joe and Sara Shacter
Jodi and Tom Shapira
Jacqueline Mack and Ted Silberstein
Joel and Stephanie Sklar
Judy and Bill Sloan
Dan and Patti Slosburg
Grace Slosburg
Krista Nelson and Tucker Slosburg
Julie and Rick Smith
Lael Culiner and Drew and Josh Smith
Peter Soroko
Heather Hill and Jon Star
Nardie and Sally Stein
Noah Stein
Bob Striker and Patti Tetta
William and Deborah Aronoff Strull
Tableau (Matching Gift)
Cathy and Joel Topf
Debra and Jeff Trachtenberg
Gary and Heidi Tyson
Donald Ullmann
UHG – United Health Group (Matching Gift)
Mark Voight
Judy and Roger Wallenstein
Daniel Wasserman
Esther Starrels and John Wasserman
Harriet and Paul Weinberg
Michael Weinberg (II)
Michael Weinberg (III)
Michael Weinberg, Jr.
Cathy and Craig Weiss
Marty Weissman
John Wise
Jim Woldenberg
Nate Woldenberg
Stephen Woldenberg
Richard Wolf
Emily Jodock Yale and Jason Yale
Tracey Zeeck
Ryan Zimmerman

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Recent Donors to Camperships for Nebagamon

Camperships for Nebagamon (CFN) was established in 1995 to enable children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to have a camping experience. Over the years, the CFN endowment fund has provided camperships for boys to attend Nebagamon and girls to attend Camp WeHaKee. Campers receiving camperships help to diversify their camp communities by virtue of their racial, ethnic, religious and socioeconomic status. In addition, CFN continues the tradition of support to sons and grandsons of Nebagamon alumni who demonstrate financial need.

Over the past decade, more than 500 Camperships have been given out to more than 250 boys and girls attending Nebagamon and WeHaKee. Over $2 million has gone to support the cost of tuition and related expenses for these boys and girls.

The following individuals, foundations, and corporations have supported CFN from May 1, 2020, through October 31, 2020.

Cecelia and Mickey Abramson
Scott Abramson
Katie Ahlberg
Max Alpert
Amazon Smile Foundation
Steve Apter
Jeanne and Michael Aronoff
Joel Aronoff
Alexander Averbuch
Drew and Jenna Barnett
Charlie Barrows
Donna Barrows
Christopher Bates
David and Judy Bearman
Kristen and Lou Bellaire
Jake Beren
Todd Bernstein
Ric Best
Adam Bezark and Kristen Simental-Bezark
Alexandra Bigler
Peter Blair
Andrew and Carrie Block
Brian Block
Michael Blonsky
Adam Bloom
Jeremy Bloom
Lisa and Paul Blumberg
Susan and Tony Blumberg
Jeff and Lori Blumenthal
Dan and Jennie Bowen
Adam and Julie Braude
Peter Braude and Becca Getz
Jakob Braunschweiger
Jackson Breyer
Hugh Broder
Marty Brodsky
Troika Brodsky and Elizabeth Potter
Don and Linda Brown
Spencer Brown
Jeff Burnstine
Anne Caraway
Larry Cartwright
Daniel Chait
Bob and Stacie Chukerman
Ellen and Scott Chukerman
Andy Cohen
Carol Bayersdorfer Cohen and Ed Cohen
James Cohen
Jeff Cohen and I. Autumn Le Greensberg
Mitch Cohen and Stephanie Tomasky
Aiken, Bina, Jae and Zack Colman
Mary Connelly
Jim and Suzy Cornbleet
Michelle and Stan DeGroote
Michael Deutsch
Bill and Leann Dexter
Ian Diamond
Jessie and Scott Diamond
Steve Domsky and Deborah L. Pollack
Bob Dubinsky and Sarah Rubenstein
Eric Dunn
Sarah Eberhard
Steve Ehrlich
Nathan Engle
Dan Feldman and Gayle Weiswasser
Andy Follman
Amy Foxman
Bill Friedman and Marissa Jones
Jacob Friedman
Betsy and Spencer Garland
Ben and Logan Gerber
Aliza and Jim Gerstein
Heather Gladstein
Karla Bright and Ryan Glasspiegel
Stephen Goldfarb
Josh and Sarah Goldman
Jonathan Goldstein
Jimmy Golen
GOOGLE, Inc. (Matching Gift)
Alex and Julie Gordon
Debbie and Doug Gordon
Josh Gray
Sharon Green
Brennan Greene
Sam Greenhalgh
David Greenhouse
Jim Guest and Liz Lewis
Bill and Cheryl Guthman
Haley Haavik
Howard and Wendy Handler
Joseph Harriman
Trevor Harriman
Jacob Haspiel
Bill and Jaye Hensel
Jaime Hensel
Armie Herbert
Alice and Joe Herz
Amy and Brad Herzog
Amy and Brian Herzog
Bud and Hazel Herzog
Joe and Marilyn Hirschhorn
Dana, Oliver and Quincy Hirt
Kristen and Mark Hoffman
Leslie Hornick
Jay Horvath and Nancy Mendelsohn M.D.
Rolando Hoyt
Joseph Hutchence
Helaine and Warner Isaacs
Alex Kahn
Ken Kanter
Steph Hanson and Adam Kaplan
Michael Kaplan
Euan and Jane Kerr
Chloe and Jake Kessler
Eric and Sharapat Kessler
Aimee Kleiman
Stephen and Yael Klein
Aimee Knutson
Jay Kolbrener
Daniel and Sheena Kopman
Elissa and JK Koretz
Lauri and Ron Koretz
Kerry Kornfeld and Andrea Wilson
Josh Kotin
Andrea and Brian Kramer
Danielle Brinker and John Kramer
Roberta De Araujo and Ron Kreisman
Ari Krupnick
Max Krupnick
Sasha and Shauna Krupnick
Will Kuby
Andrea L’Tainen
Larissa Laguna
Emily and Michael Laskin
Joe Laskin
Dan Laytin
Eli Lehrer
Adam Lenter
Louis Levin
Lia Grigg and Dan Levis
Samuel Levis
Susan Lindy
Samuel Lucas
Susan Lucas
Benjamin Lux
Kitty and Mike Maidenberg
Ted Maidenberg
Jorie Malk
Ben Maloney
Andrew and Jill Kiersky Marcus
Cheryl Mattingly
Karin Matz
Todd Maurer
Jonathan May
Katie Greenbaum and Josh May
Kimberly McSherry
Thanda Meehan
Charles Mendels and Elaine Rosenblum
Bo and Lois Meyer
Misa Gilazzi and David Michel
Dick and Nancy Milsten
Eric Montag
Erika and John Montag
Andrea Morris
Zach Muzik
Spence Myer
Kristin Ahlberg and Phil Myers
Fred and Janet Nachman
Bob and Mary Nefsky
Brule and Thad Kurowski and Katy Neusteter
John Nevins
Gregg and Jodi Newmark
Trygve Olsen
Jim Platt and Deborah Snyder
Jennifer Polacheck
Ami Polonsky
Sam Prince
Henry Pulitzer
Adam Quiat
Daniel Quiat
Steve Reichert
Jan and Steve Riven
Jay and Jennifer Riven
Larry and Michele Rivkin
Michael Rivkin
Andy and Cynthia Rolfe
Anthony and Marya Rose
Judd Rosenblatt
Ellie and Trent Rosenbloom
Carol Murphy and Bill Rosenthal
Robert Rudich
Trish Russell
Noah Saag
Chris and Frank Sachs
David Sachs
Kim and Tom Saltzstein
Joel Saslawsky
Mark Schaeffer
Jon and Sue Scharff
Laury and Lewis Scharff
Elliot Schiffer
Clayton Schmidt
Fred and Pat Schonwald, Jr.
Andrew Schram and Yuan Zhang
Bud and Peggy Schram
Natalie Mandel and Jeff Schram
James Schulman
Ed and Laura Schwarz
Irl and Jennifer Scissors
Judith and Mark Segal
Joe and Sara Shacter
Jodi and Tom Shapira
Stephanie Rivkin and Joel Sircus
Bill and Judy Sloan
Dan and Patti Slosburg
Grace Slosburg
Krista Nelson and Tucker Slosburg
Eric and Lucy Slosser
Lael Culiner and Drew and Josh Smith
Julie and Rick Smith
Peter Soroko
Heather Hill and Jon Star
Nardie and Sally Stein
Noah Stein
Bob Striker and Patti Tetta
William and Deborah Aronoff Strull
Cathy and Joel Topf
Debra and Jeff Trachtenberg
Gary and Heidi Tyson
Donald Ullmann
UHG – United Health Group (Matching Gift)
Mark Voight
Judy and Roger Wallenstein
Daniel Wasserman
Esther Starrels and John Wasserman
Harriet and Paul Weinberg
Michael Weinberg (II)
Michael Weinberg (III)
Cathy and Craig Weiss
Marty Weissman
John Wise
Jim Woldenberg
Nate Woldenberg
Stephen Woldenberg
Richard Wolf
Emily Jodock Yale and Jason Yale
Tracey Zeeck
Ryan Zimmerman