More Campers Enroll for 2023 Season

We’d like to welcome some more campers who have enrolled for the 2023 season in the past few weeks. We are VERY excited to see this at camp this summer.

Third Grade: Hiro Katsumura, Graham Marek, Liam Raimondi

Fourth Grade: Brandon Duarte, Joshuan Torrez de Paz

Fifth Grade: Rafael Buestan Valverde, Mason Marek, Michael Soto Jacome

Sixth Grade: Tato Duarte Galvan, Wyatt Dynia, Jonah Goldstein, Joshua Goldstein, Elliot Mehranfar, Corey Tapp

Seventh Grade: Daniel Brick, Liam Mehranfar

Eigth Grade: Simon Hugon, Patrick McGowan, Connor Waxelman

Tenth Grade: Theo Altschuler, Luis Gonzalez-Xochihua, Jacob Rolfe